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The next morning clay awake stupidly early,  tire aching his body. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the ceiling, he remembered the days where he'd awake ever receiving or giving a kiss to his loved one, he hadn't had one of those mornings in an incredibly long time.

To put it lightly, Clay was depressed, not the type of depressed that you'd read in the romantic novels or see in the movies to give a character more depth, to give a character a more interesting plot to draw the viewer in. Just cold depression, he had picked up bad habits from smoking, to marijuana, drinking and even a severe lack of hygiene. It'd been like this for years, it didn't affect his health so why should it stop when it was the only thing making him feel alive?

He couldn't remember the last time he'd showered, neither the last time he'd brushed his teeth. Both gave him a sense of dread, dry shampoo, mints and cologne were his best friend however it was easy to notice.

His eyes glanced to the bathroom, he sighed knowing he'd have to eventually, he smelled awful.

He pulled himself from the bed and stumbled to his drawer, he grabbed a small plastic bag, chunks of marijuana inside.

He took some other items and began to roll a joint, it was sloppy he didn't care too much.

Clay didn't like this version of himself, he'd never experienced heart break like this.

He lit the joint and took a hit of it keeping it in for a little before exhaling. Then a knock sounded at the door, he groaned and walked over, peeking through the peek hole. George?

He opened the door and george walked in

"how did you know i live here?"
"your house stinks of weed"
"Thanks now answer my question"
"My dad told me"
"Cool, what do you want"
"I don't know, i missed you"

Clay looked up, his eyes were dazed with confusion. He put the joint out and put it in a plastic bag shoving it in his pocket

"I brought snacks" George raised a small blue plastic bag, inside of it was filled with various sweet treats

"uh, you can just take a seat on the sofa- i need to shower"
"yeah, no kidding" george jokingly scoffed making his way to the sofa like he owned the place, he kicked his shoes off and stuck his feet up instantly getting comfortable

Dream rushed to the shower getting unchanged and in it as quickly as possible, the hot water running down his scarred and bruised skin. Washing the dirt and grime as well as the stench of weed from his skin.

He finished up and grabbed a white shirt and grey joggers, he grabbed the plastic bag from the old pair and put it in the new pocket before heading back to the living room

"Holy- you're hench"
Clay looked down realising the shirt clung to his wet skin revealing his toned body
He started working out when george died, anything to get his mind off of it.
Clay shrugged, " i guess"

"Right so i was thinking" George scrolled through the channels as clay observed him, his confidence was new.

"Hm?" clay kept his eyes on him, "Pitch perfect"
"That films like a hundred years old"
"It's a classic!"
"You weren't even born!"
"Neither were you!"

clay chuckled, george didn't know he was incredibly old in human years.

"fine! put your gay little music film on" Clay teased
"Fine i can just go home" george pouted
"no! stay i take it back" clay laughed
"that's what i thought" George smirked as the movie began.

They were sat on opposite ends of the couch, each focusing on the movie. Clay anxiously bit his lip causing it to crack and bleed

"i'll be back" Clay stood and rushed to the balcony, his hands shook as he took the joint out relighting it. He inhaled it keeping it in to calm his nerves, it warmed clay inside, he once again took another hit and sat on the cold concrete floor when he heard the balcony door open

"are you... okay?" George asked hovering by the door, leaning against it.
"Sorry just felt a bit sick"
"Don't you mean anxious?"
"Yeah that"
"And it helps?" George gestured to the joint
clay nodded
"Can i try?" George looked down at clay

Clay looked up with surprise, "i mean- yeah"

George sat beside clay and reached his hand out

"you can't just take a hit, this is some of the strongest shit you'll be out like a light" clay wheezed
"Then what do you expect me to do?"
"Shotgun, if you're comfortable"
"C'mere" Clay gestured to his lap, george didn't hesitate to climb on top.

"Breathe it in until i tell you to let it out alright?"
George nodded, he hid it well but he was nervous
Clay took it in, holding it, he brought his face to georges, their lips almost touching, george opened his mouth slightly and clay breathed it out, george inhaled and held it in as his eyes watered

"now" dream smiled, george exhaled followed by coughs
"again" george smiled
"you sure?"
george nodded just wanting to be closer to dream, he voluntarily brought his face closer to dreams.

Dream inhaled again, this time his and georges lips touched, brushing against eachother gracefully the cracked skin of dreams lips against georges felt weirdly satisfying to him.

Dream exhaled and once again george took it in

"and out" dream smiled, george exhaled again this time he didnt cough. His eyes were already turning red. George climbed off of dream and found himself beside him

Dream wasn't wrong, it was strong.

The two sat here lazily observing the town below, the soft hum of cars passing beneath them every so often, a gentle rain began to fall. George found himself resting his head on clays shoulder

"You're much more attractive than my dreams" George mumbled, he was on another planet, already high out of his mind from two shotguns

Clay chuckled knowing they weren't dreams, just distant memory's.

"they feel so real, the way you'd touch me, you'd hold me. The way your skin felt against mine"

Clay wrapped his arms over george and pulled him onto his lap again, Dream ran a finger down georges chest feeling the fabric of his shirt against the tip of his nail

"Does it feel like this?" Clays voice was low
Dream slid his hand under georges shirt and did the same movement
"That's it" george almost moaned

Dream smirked taking his hand away, George rubbed his eye and rested his head into dreams shoulder, Dream stood as best he could and carried george to his bedroom, he pulled back the cover and placed george beneath it. He began to walk to the living room when a hand grabbed his wrist

"Stay with me tonight"

Those words alone reminded dream of a time that meant the most to him.


this chapter was hot.

Based lightly off of a personal experie- i mean what

anyway, can we all get some love for one of our readers Fran today they're so cool and i think they deserve some appreciation so leave a nice message >:(

i love u guys, gonna do chapterly shoutouts to active readers <3

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