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[The night we met - Lord Huron]

George rested his head on dreams shoulder as the bus moved, he always enjoyed late buses. The hum of the engine, the tires against the wet floor, the gentle shakes as it turned. It was weirdly comforting to him, reminding him of a time that felt so long ago.

He interlocked him hand with dreams, the bus came to a stop allowing more passengers to get on. A man, he must've been around late teens 18-19 got on, dressed in black, a black puffer jacket and his hood was up.

he scoffed passing dream and george mumbling something under his breath, dream turned "the fuck you just say?" the bus began to laugh
The man smirked, "i said fuckin fags fam"
Dream went to move but george grabbed his leg, "leave it" george mumbled

"Fuckin twink pussios. Batty boys" The man continued sitting at the back, his legs spread.

George ran his hand up and down dreams leg, feeling slightly uncomfortable as the male continued to say derogatory words.

George gave up hitting the bell, the bus came to a stop eventually.

George practically dragged dream off of the bus

"YEAH FUCKIN RUN YOU BATTY BOYS ILL CHEF YOU IF I SEE YOU AGAIN ITS ON SIGHT" The man yelled as the bus doors closed, as it drove past he stuck his middle finger up at dream and george.

"George we aren't even near a bus stop that the 86 stops at" Dream sighed looking around the dark street, it was quite busy, cars driving past often and even other people walking on the other side of the street

"I know"
"We can wait for the next bus"
"No, i stopped for a reason"
"This is the park i went to as a kid" George pointed at the large gates.

"there's ducks"
"okay love"

George looked around realising the people from the other side of the street had since walked away, he phased through the gate as dream climbed up eventually jumping down followed by the rattle of the locks.

He interlocked his hand with georges as george lead him towards the large pond.

All of the ducks were in a small island, little to none swam in the dark water. After all it was cold and dark.

They sat on a bench, George took a deep breath in feeling the cold run through him before exhaling warm air that swirled in the air.

It was silent, neither of them made a sound, they just looked at the scenery listening to the sound of wind brushing through the leaves of trees.

George ran his thumb over dreams interlocked hand resting his head on dreams shoulder.

"I'm glad i never gave up with you george" Dream confessed
"There was so many points where i could've stopped looking for you, but i didn't, i never did"
"I'm glad"
"I'm just thankful i have you now"
"atleast you won't have to look for me again"
"I'm stuck with you now, poor me"
"Oh shut up, you love me really"
"yeah you're right, i do love you"
"i love you too dream"

"You look stupidly beautiful when the moon bounces off of your skin like this" Dream brushed his finger over georges skin
"it's always an insult within a compliment with you dream"
"okay, well you're beautiful"
"too boring"
"George you are the most ethereal person i have ever laid my eyes on in my almost four centuries of existence. Everything about you is just beautiful, from your voice to your lips. All of it is beyond perfect"
"that's more like it" George brought dreams face to his, the moonlight lighting their faces as the ducks swam gently through the pond, as the trees and leaves swayed whilst the wind hummed.


I wrote this chapter because there was a parakeet outside of my window and it felt like a sign, mf was intimidating me, he was green and v pretty tho :)

has anyone read approbation yet? if so

what's your thoughts


shhh but look ;)



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