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[7 years - Lukas Graham]

George wiped his eyes and just held dream tighter, "clay" he sighed, "hm?"

"can you kiss me?" george pulled away looking up at the taller
"i'd love to- but are you sure?"
"I need you right now clay, i don't know what to trust or who to believe but my gut and my heart are telling me to trust you" George placed his hand on clays chest feeling his heartbeat.

Dream looked away, biting his bottom lip. He looked back to george with a weak smile. He cupped georges face but couldn't bring himself forward.

He stepped away, "right now isn't the time george" Dream sighed, he wanted to with everything within him. He knew George was just upset, tired and was looking for some comfort.

"okay" george forced a smile, with that ranboo, sapnap and karl appeared

"That's the guy from my dreams-" George pointed at sapnap

Sapnap looked to george then at dream

"Dream?" Sapnap chuckled

"George isn't dead, Bad kidnapped him" Dream blurted out quickly covering his mouth

A nervous laugh escaped sapnap "what? bads dead i saw his body- so is george i saw his too. It's just a reincarnation dream" Sapnap chuckled
"No, It's definitely george. Check the living room for yourself" Dream rubbed the back of his neck
"George why didn't you tell us you were okay!" Sapnap claimed pulling george into a hug, george shoved sapnap off and hid behind dream grabbing his arm
"Clay- who is this?" Georges voice shook, Sapnap frowned and looked to dream

"I'll explain tonight george, alright. Why don't you rest why we sort things out with your dad" Dream smiled gesturing to his bed
"His dad? who's his dad" Ranboo asked
"Your dad?" Dream sucked air through his teeth
"His dads my dad?" Sapnap chimed it
"You guys are over complicating it, bad is everyone's  dad besides mine and karls by the looks of it!" Dream exclaimed heading to the living room

And dream was right, there sat bad anxiously playing with his fingers.

"You fucking- Dad- what" Sapnap froze
Ranboo looked hurt, puffy had been looking after him since bads 'death' it was sweet of her and he had a lot of respect for her.

"Sappy i can explain!" bad exclaimed standing
Flames shot from sapnaps hands, it tended to happen when he was angry, it lit the rug slightly alight, dream rushed for a cup of water and threw it over it putting it out.

Sapnaps gaze continued to stare at bad, it seemed as if worlds were falling yet rejoicing inside.

"For so long i've beat myself up, cried and hated myself for you dying; for you to just be alive? You didn't even bother to see me or tell me you were okay! You didnt care about me all along" Sapnap yelled, Bad stood unknowing of how to react. Karl grabbed sap holding him into a hug. Ranboo was still lost for words.

"i thought it was better at the time- clearly i thought wrong" Bad sighed, he sounded defeated

"i'm glad you're okay bad, but what you did was wrong" ranboo finally spoke up, dream nodded in agreement.

"i just- i need some time. Ranboo can you take me and karl back to florida" Sapnap turned away

"Of course, mo-puffy needs me home soon anyway" Karl, sapnap and ranboo huddled then soon poofed away in an array of purple particles. "That went awful" Bad cried out
"Bad i think it's best you go home and give everyone some time to think" Dream smiled gestured to the door, bad didn't say a word he left with an angry sigh slamming the front door.

Dream shook his head and went to the bedroom, he  stood realising george was in the bed.

He sighed and grabbed a prerolled joint and headed to the balcony that was attached to the bedroom. He was quiet, shutting the sliding door gently to avoid startling george.

His hands shook against the cold in the air and stress of the situation. He took out his lighter as his hands continued to shake, putting the joint in his mouth and lighting it. He rested his arms against the railing looking out to the world below.

Dream lived on the 9th floor of some high rise flats in the outskirts of london, His balcony overlooked a small town, the roofs of other homes aswell as the tower block beside him. In the distance was the nature reserve, The manor.

It was beautiful, quiet.
The parakeets flew there and the trees were magnificent, there were wild deer and foxes. He even swore he'd seen a rabbit there once.

He inhaled the joint holding it in before exhaling. The sky was dark, clouded it was late possibly around 11pm. Barely any stars were visible and in the distance a plane passed.

He focused on the cars below, he heard the balcony door slide open, he didn't react

"are you alright clay?"
"you smoke when you're nervous"
"i'm sorry"
"why are you sorry?"
"cause i get it's probably hard"
"harder than you'll ever understand"
george let out a sigh

"It's like waking up every morning realising the person you wanted to spend forever with barely knows who you are after so long together"
"i wish it was different, i'm really trying clay"

dream turned looking at george with a frown.

"i know it isn't your fault, i don't mean to be harsh. I'm just hurting."
"It's alright, just know that i'm trying to remember."
"Has it helped at all?"
"Some things are piecing together, slowly but surely"
"well i know one thing for sure"
"and that is?"
"That i love you, out of everything that seems to be the one thing that hasn't left" George smiled, dreams face seemed to light up at the words. He pht the joint out and discarded it.

He took a step forward

"maybe right now is the time" dream smiled cupping georges cheeks bringing their lips together. George quickly melted into the kiss, a rush of a thousand memory's at once, so close he felt he could grasp them but moving so fast they slipped through his fingers. The kiss ended and the two pulled away leaving dream smiling at georges burning red face.

"Please do that again and again and never stop" George said pulling dream back to him, their foreheads touching as their hot breath hit eachothers faces. The slight tang of weed coming from dreams. "Don't have to ask me twice, it's not like i've waited two decades for this again" Dream put his lips to georges kissing him once again


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