The Way You Make Me Feel

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Thanks Thatth0mas   for the idea of this one shot :) I really hope you like it.


I never thought that a single event had the power to change a person's life forever. But the truth is that this is exactly what happened to me and that event was neither more nor less than the explosion of the Particle Accelerator. From that night on, nothing in my life was going to be what it used to be. I didn't know it that night, but the truth is that nine months later, I was going to meet three people who were going to become my third family.

However, there was a person who was going to turn my head around from the first moment I put my eyes on her and that person was neither more nor less than Caitlin Snow. But after she told me what happened to her ex-fiance, Ronnie, I decided it would be better to just be her friend. But as the days went by, our closeness was more than noticeable and when I thought it was finally time to invite her on a date, we discovered that Ronnie was finally alive.

Although I was very happy for her, because she finally had her fiancé back, a feeling of sadness came over my heart, because the person I liked was being happy in the arms of another man. It was then that a new woman burst into my life. Patty Spivot was my new colleague at CCPD. After a few dates, some more successful than others, we decided to stop being just co-workers and friends and started a love relationship.

Patty and I had been together for four and a half months. But if you think that my love life had calmed down with this relationship, you are very mistaken, because today something would happen that would change things. Today, as I only had to be at the CCPD in the morning, I decided to have lunch with my friends of STAR Labs and then spend the afternoon in the laboratory. In the middle of the afternoon, both Cisco and Harry left STAR Labs to pick up our snack and that's when the unexpected happened. And what was this unexpected event, you ask? A kiss!

"Barry, do you think you can come here with the first aid kit?" Asked Caitlin, almost screaming, since she wasn't in the same space as me.

- What's up? Have you hurt yourself? "I asked, coming quickly to her side, along with the first aid kit.

- I got burned.

As soon as she told me what had happened, I opened the first aid kit and took a cream that helps with burns and applied it carefully, in Caitlin's left hand. Then I took the bandage and wrapped her hand in the bandage, covering the entire area of ​​the hand damaged by the burn.

- Thank you for your help. It was nothing too serious, but it was better to act before it got worse.- said Caitlin smiling.

- You don't have to thank me, but you have to promise me that you'll be more careful next time. You were lucky this time that it wasn't a very bad burn, but next time you may not be so lucky.

"I promise," said Caitlin, hugging me.

We held each other for a few seconds but then as soon as we were walking away, I couldn't take my eyes off her eyes and after her lips and that was when the unexpected happened. I ended the distance between the two of us and kissed her. It wasn't a big kiss, but it was enough to be etched in my mind and in my heart. It was at this moment that I knew that my feelings for Caitlin had never disappeared, but had just been hidden.

- Ah, this ...

- Sorry! It was a thing of the moment that shouldn't have happened. I have a girlfriend and you have Ronnie.- I said, moving away from her a little.

- About that, Ronnie and I are not together.

- You aren't?! - I exclaimed surprised but with a small smile on my lips.

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