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Thanks LewisBray4 for another title for the one shots :) I really hope you like this one.



Do you know how frustrating it is to see the person you love, to be happy with someone else?! Well, I know what that is. Since I was little I have been in love with my best friend, Iris West. After my mother's death and my father's arrest, I took refuge in the West's house, where I developed the biggest crush I ever had in my life, not that there were many of them.

Today, at the age of twenty-seven, I made the most complicated decision of my life, which was to tell Iris my feelings for her. I am perfectly aware that there is no possibility that she and I can be together, since she is currently in a serious relationship with my co-worker, Eddie, but I have to take this weight off my heart.

As soon as I finished getting ready and having breakfast, I sent her a message saying that I needed to talk to her and so we made an appointment to be together in ten minutes in the park next to Jitters.

- Sorry for the delay but I still went to take Eddie to the CCPD.- said Iris sitting next to me.- So what is so important to talk to me?

- I have a very important thing to tell you but I don't know how to start. - I replied taking a deep breath. - So the situation is this ... I love you, Iris.

- Oh, I love you too, Barry.

- When we were little I loved you even without knowing what love meant. Then my mother died and I had to go live with the girl I had a crush on. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you, but I never had the courage to do so, so I just tried to suppress my emotions. After I lost my mom and dad, I was afraid to tell you, because I could lose you too and you know what else, the truth is that this is exactly what happened. I know I had a lot of time to tell you this and I know that you're with Eddie, but I couldn't lie to you again. I'm sorry!

- Thank you for telling me, Barry. And I'm sorry for making you suffer all these years.

- You do not need to say sorry. I should have confessed this earlier, but fear stopped me. I know this is the worst timing ever, but I had to do it, otherwise I think it would blow up. Do you think we can continue to be friends even after my outburst?

- Of course yes. I don't promise you that things won't get a little bit strange between the two of us in the next few days, because I'm still digesting this whole situation, but we will always be best friends and that will never change.

- Thank you Iris, for not judging me or turning away from me.

- I never would. And you know, although I can't repay the feelings you have for me, I'm sure there is a wonderful girl waiting for you to put some of your attention on her.

- Do you really think so?

- I am sure. Maybe you already found her and you didn't realize it because of your little "fixation" for me. Out there is the perfect girl for you. The girl who laughs at all your jokes, even the ones that aren't funny at all. The one who will do anything to help you in whatever you need. The one who will give her life for you. The one who puts on a smile when you get to her side ... That girl is out there waiting for you, you just need to be more attentive from now on.

While Iris enumerated the "qualities" of the girl that would be perfect for me, I started to think about Caitlin. I don't know why she came to me, but the truth is that she fit the description perfectly.

"Maybe I even found it already," I said quietly.

- What?

- Nothing ... Thanks for the advice, Iris.

- I'm going to have to leave, because I'm running late for the newspaper, but we'll talk soon. Promise!

After Iris left, I sat on that garden bench for a while, thinking about what had just happened. To be honest, despite having been denied by the girl I love, I even think the conversation went quite well. Not to mention that it feels like I lifted a hundred-pound weight off my shoulders.

As soon as I left the park, I passed the Jitter to fetch a coffee, but as soon as I entered the cafe, I saw Caitlin sitting at a table reading one of the magazines that were on the table.

"Can I?" I asked when I got to the table where she was.

- Of course yes. You didn't even need to ask, "replied Caitlin, smiling.

- I thought you were already in STAR Labs, since by now you used to be there.

- Yes, but today there is a study visit over there, so Cisco and I are only going to go later. So I took advantage of my free time and came to have breakfast around here.

"You did well," I said, smiling. One of the maids came to our table, because she saw that I was seated now and asked me if I wanted to drink something, bringing me a coffee five minutes later.

- You look a little sad, what's up?

- I told Iris.

-Seriously? Good! And what did she say?

- She said she regretted not knowing it earlier and that she regretted what made me suffer over the years.

- How are you?

- A little sad but quite relieved. I already knew that she didn't like me the way I do, but at least I managed to lift this weight off my shoulders.

- That's the way you have to think. And you will see, that you will find your perfect person.- said Caitlin putting her hand on top of mine, as a way of comforting me. - I had an idea. Why don't we go out to dinner today? I know that your mind is telling you that you need to be alone, but believe that you will feel better accompanied.

- You know what, it's a brilliant idea.

- So we're agreed.

From this day on, I started to look at Caitlin in a more attentive way and the truth is that as the days went by, I really realized that Caitlin perfectly filled everything that Iris said would be ideal for me. I do not say that I am falling in love again, because the truth is that I have not yet managed to completely forget about Iris, but I am more attentive.

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