All of Me

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Thanks fireeeeanddddiceeee for another title for the one shots :) I really hope you like this one. 


I never thought I would be as happy as I am right now. After nine months of waiting, the day had finally come that would change my life and Caitlin's life forever. And what day is it, you ask ... Today is the day of the birth of our first child!

But of course, because everything that happens in our lives is not normal, the birth of our boy was not an ordinary birth either. But to put you in context, I will tell you more about this strange day at the beginning but very special. As usual, as soon as we woke up, we went about our daily routine and after breakfast, we both went to STAR Labs, although I had begged Caitlin to stay at home, since the nine months had passed four days ago and she could go into labor at any time. But do you really think she heard me? Of course not!

As soon as we arrived at STAR Labs, we greeted all of our friends, which only consisted of Harry, Cisco and Ralf, and Caitlin went to sit at her desk, to start her usual task which was to view the city's surveillance cameras looking for something out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be normal, however it was four thirty-six in the afternoon when the alert started to sound and that just meant one thing, that there was metahuman activity.

While me, Cisco and Ralf went to get equipped, Harry and Caitlin learned about the alleged attack. I saw in Caitlin's eyes that she really missed fighting alongside us, along with her faithful partner, Killer Frost, but it couldn't be possible for obvious reasons, so she was left to assist Harry here in the lab.

As soon as the three of us arrived at the place where the attack originated, we saw three teenagers, one of whom appeared to be human, however he had one of the firearms. The fight was a little complicated, as the teenagers, although not experienced, had the right tools to do a lot of damage.

However, it was in the middle of our struggle that things started to oscillate around the laboratory, because without warning, I heard Caitlin groaning in pain. When I asked her what was going on, she just told me that the waters had broken. Of course, I told her to quit her job and go to the hospital and I even asked Harry to call Joe to pick her up, since we were unable to take her, but Caitlin did not give in to my insistence and just argued that we needed herr help, which turned out to be true.

In this way, a delivery that should have been done in a hospital room, surrounded by the right people and the right equipment, was delivered to our ward by the hands of our friends.

"Harry, we're going over there with the teenagers and one of them is badly hurt," I said over the intercom. Because the kid, who was not a metahuman, ended up getting seriously hurt and was losing a lot of blood.

While Ralf took the other two teenagers to the metahuman prison, Cisco and I took the boy who was badly injured to the infirmary, lying him on the bed next to Caitlin. What is worse is that the ideal person to help in this situation was the same person who was unable to help, due to her pain before delivery.

"Well, now that I'm here, I'm taking you to the hospital," I said, approaching the bed where Caitlin was sitting.

- Just don't even think about it. Don't you see that the kid needs my help! I will not leave here until the bleeding stops and the wound is not properly treated.

- But Cailtin, this is not safe ...

- I'm not asking for your approval!

I knew perfectly well that I would not be able to change Caitlin's opinion, so I ended up accepting her decision and instead of complaining to her about going to the hospital, I started to help with whatever was necessary. Among the pains of contractions, Caitlin told the three of us, that is, me, Cisco and Harry, all that would have to be done to stop the bleeding and mend the teenager's wound.

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