Who Knew (Part Two)

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Today, like yesterday, was spent in the company of Caitlin and between conversations, laughter and some discussions. However, to be honest until I was here with her, it was being fun and for a while, it made me forget the fact that we were both here locked up in this school.

Was it possible that I was even liking her a little bit ?! Is this to sympathize with her ?! It can't be ... This must be just the desperation to speak louder! The truth is that as time went on, we seemed closer and we didn't even seem to hate each other forever. It was as if the reasons we both had for hating each other had disappeared ...

"Do you think we'll be able to go home tomorrow?" Asked Caitlin.

- I don't know, but I hope so. I'm starting to get pretty sick of being here.

- Me too. However, as hard as I may seem to believe, I am even enjoying your company.

- Yeah, I feel the same way. The truth is, you're not as annoying as I thought.

As we doubted, the next day, that is, on Friday we heard the forecast on the radio and the experts said that although it seemed that the storm was passing, they still advised people to stay home. However, it was ten-thirty when we heard the school entrance door open and saw that was the headmistress of the school. We still tried not to make too much noise and get out of here as soon as possible, however the director got us and we had to explain why we were here.

- Why you didn't warn me before, I could have sent someone to come and open the school.

- We know and believe that we almost had to call you, but the truth is that it was not safe for employees to leave the house, where they are safe.

"And we're fine and that's what matters." I completed Caitlin's reasoning.

- You're right. But now go home and rest, because you must not have slept at all in these two days.

- Thank you director.- we both said at the same time smiling.

- Ah director, just one more thing. We took some food from the school cafeteria and bar, we hope there is no problem, "said Caitlin, turning to the principal.

- No, of course there is no problem. Do you need a ride to go home? It is still raining a lot.

- No need, I live nearby.- Caitlin replied but the director insisted on giving us a ride so we accepted her offer and hoped she would come to her office first.

- If I show up like this at home, my mother will kill me.

- You stay at my house! And tomorrow you will return to yours! Your mother already knows that you are with me, so there is no problem.

Ten minutes later, the principal returned to our side and after picking up our things, we left the school and got in the lady's car. Five minutes later, she stopped her car, as we had arrived at Caitlin's house.

- Thanks again for the ride, director.

- You don't need to thank me, in fact it is the least I could do after having spent two closed days at school. Are you two stay here?

- Yes, we have some things to do for the school and so we made the most of our time.

After these two turbulent days, we were really in need of the comfort of a home and especially a bed or a sofa, because our backs were miserable. As soon as we sat down on the sofa in the living room, we ended up falling asleep. When we woke up, I noticed that it was almost four-thirty in the afternoon and that Caitlin had her head on my shoulder and you know what's worse? I was not at all bothered by that fact!

"I really needed this nap," I said, smiling.

- Me too! But now I need some food! I think I have a pizza in the freezer, "said Caitlin, getting up.

While Caitlin put the pizza on the heat, I would bring the glasses, juices and napkins to the living room and put them on the small table that was in front of the sofa and as soon as she returned with the pizza, already hot, we started lunch / snack. At the end of lunch / snack, we took the trash to the mini container she had in the kitchen and washed and tidied the dishes we used.

- What do you think about watching a movie? That way we spent time better.

- As long as I can choose ...

- We do it like this, you choose the first and I choose the next.- Caitlin proposed and I just agreed.

While she went to her room to get the computer, I started to think about which movie I was going to choose. As already agreed, we were going to see two films, one that I chose and the second was Caitlin that I would choose. The film I chose is called "The Invisible Man". When Cecilia's abusive ex takes his own life and leaves her his fortune, she suspects his death was a hoax. As a series of coincidences turn lethal, Cecilia works to prove that she is being hunted by someone nobody can see.

The film that Caitlin chose was called "Logan" and deals with the story that in a future where mutants are nearly extinct, an elderly and weary Logan leads a quiet life. But when Laura, a mutant child pursued by scientists, comes to him for help, he must get her to safety.

After we finished watching these two films, which were amazing, we went to the kitchen to prepare our dinner. At the end of dinner and after we washed, dried, tidied the dishes and tidied up the kitchen, we went to Caitlin's room, because the truth is that although the nap was great, we still hadn't recovered the hours we didn't sleep in the two previous days.

- You have a sweater and shorts here that Cisco left here the last time he slept here. You can use the bathroom down the hall and then you can sleep in my parents' room, "said Caitlin, handing me the clothes." Or you can come back here and you can sleep here with me. I say this because the bed is big and since we have slept "together" these past few days, I don't see why we shouldn't do the same tonight.

- I never thought of hearing you ask to come to sleep in your bed ... I think we made a lot of progress in just three days.

- I think so too, but don't screw it up with your stupidity, okay? Now go change your clothes!

As Caitlin said, I went to the bathroom at the end of the hall and changed my clothes, then returned to Caitlin's room, where she already had room for me in her bed. As soon as my face lay down on the soft pillow, sleep was not long in coming. In the morning I woke up with the ring of my cell phone and saw by the caller ID that it was my best friend, Iris West.

"Are you going to answer that?" Asked Caitlin, opening her beautiful eyes.

- I don't feel like it ... I'll send her a message later.

- Well, since we are awake we can have breakfast.

- Yes and after that I go home, because it seems that it no longer rains.

As agreed, as soon as we finished eating breakfast, I went to the bathroom to change clothes and returned to the kitchen with my things.

- Thank you for helping me with my mother.

- You do not need to thank. It was a pleasure!

- And Caitlin, I was telling the truth when I said I was enjoying your company. Maybe we could extend the term of our truce.

"It seems like an excellent idea," Caitlin said smiling and gave me a hug before I left.

On the way home, I kept thinking about the last few days I was with Caitlin. Who knew that I would end up sympathizing with her and that I would enjoy her company ?! Maybe this storm was a good thing, because if it weren't for it, I wouldn't have been locked up in school and if it hadn't happened, we were still hating ourselves at this hour.

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