♡ Donghyun ♡ Why (1)

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A/N: Contains mature language and violence. The part 2 also has blood and gun. And please, if you do have concerns, don't hesitate to let me know!

The moon was shining brightly this night along with a million stars that twinkle in the sky above. It was a good day for Seoljin who was just going home from work as she was humming while walking, because nothing feels better than having your salary raised.

She soon turned to a not-so-well-lit street going to the direction of her apartment. She didn't mind even though it was creepy and quite empty, of course she was used to walking here because it's her way home. Lost in her wonderland, she got surprised when someone bumped into her. It was impactful that they both lost their balance.

"Can't you be more careful?" Seoljin asked while looking at a man wearing a hoodie, who is also now on the ground in front of her. She was annoyed, as her hips and hands were in pain.

But he didn't even answer, he just gathered his belongings immediately, stood up and started running away from her.

"What the hell was that? He did not even apologize!" She was fuming mad and just stood up on her own. But then she heard rushing footsteps at her back and saw two policemen and a civilian running across the street.

She wanted to know what was going on, she was curious but she never had the chance to ask them as they were running so fast, like they were chasing someone.

She actually didn't care that much, but no one can deny that a part of her feels scared and worried. A criminal might be out here, and she's walking alone in the middle of an almost empty street? God, that's creepy. But she didn't have any other choice than to be brave if she wants to get home.

After a few minutes of walking, Seoljin passed by a dark alley. It's usually no big deal for her, but not now as she actually heard faint breathing sounds coming from there!

A human's normal instinct was to run away immediately and that is what she first thought too, but she couldn't leave because of her curiosity. So after hesitating for a while, she walked slowly towards the said alley without trying to make any noise.

The sounds of breathing got closer and she can finally see a silhouette of a person, sitting on the ground with their head leaning on the wall. She just walked...and walked...and walked until she was already in front of that someone, and it was that man from earlier! It was the man who bumped Seoljin.

Suddenly, the feeling of uneasiness was gone because she knew that it is at least...a person.

His eyes were closed, and his head was leaning against the wall. His chest was also visibly moving up and down due to his heavy breathing and his forehead was sweating. Of course who wouldn't be tired from running away from the person you bumped into, right?

And he doesn't seem to notice her presence until she spoke.

"Yah, what are you doing here? Are you homeless?" Seoljin bravely asked, making the resting man open his eyes in shock, but it switched to annoyance upon seeing the woman who was infront of him.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you here?"

"Wow." She rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm actually the one who you bumped into earlier, and you did not even apologize."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Now, can you fucking leave me alone?"

"I was just wondering why you are here, this place is dark. Are you hiding from someone?" She crouched down to get a better look at him.

"It's none of your business."

She knew she was nosy, but the way this man was answering her really pissed her off. Until she remembered the policemen from earlier, and the way he was running so fast.

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