♡ Jaehyun ♡ August

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Summer has come to an end.

As I woke up in the morning, I felt the cold breeze touching my skin. Dry season finally ended and rainy days are coming. And just like usual, I wasn't even able to get up easily. But this time, it's not because of the weather, but because of the void I felt in my chest. I laid flat on my bed and stared at the ceiling, head empty. And again, the thought of what happened crossed my mind, the thought of him never coming back and that we're officially done sunk deeper in my heart.

It is hard for me, but I have no choice but to accept it. It is hard waking up every time, and feeling so lost as if I have nothing to look forward to through the day. Why did it even end up this way? Looking back three months ago by the end of February, I was living a happy and stable life, to the point that I got bored and wanted some thrill to pass time. And that's when we found each other, that's when I found him. At first, I only wanted someone to talk to for the night to entertain me, nothing more. But he was too interesting to the point that I decided to message his socials that he gave me, just to give it a shot. I mean, I have nothing to lose anyway.

I have nothing to lose, right?

During the first few days of messaging each other, I thought he was just another person that would never matter to me. Heck, I even thought that we'll only be talking for a week. But I was wrong, he was different and he totally intrigued me. And just like that, I found myself wanting to talk to him everyday, smiling every time his name pops up on my notifications, and just thinking about him in everything I do.

Among all the guys I've talked to, he is the one that stood out.

He really showed his interest in me which I deeply appreciated. He asked me when's my free time, so he could adjust his schedule and talk to me during that hour, at 9 pm specifically. He always finished his requirements earlier in the day so I could have his full attention when we talk at night and it made me feel special. He invited me to movie nights every weekend, and were never late during our scheduled time since he knows how I despise people who aren't punctual. He respected my time and boundaries, he even adjusted for it and never crossed the line so I was grateful. I also love how he is a man of words and was consistent all throughout. He always considered my feelings and always checked if I'm uncomfortable with something. He cared about my thoughts and emotions more than anyone and told me that it was valid even when I'm just complaining about petty things. He would listen and respond to everything I say and would always try to communicate. Aside from that, he gave a nickname to my dogs too and would always ask about them!

And the songs he recommended to me? I liked everything. The lyrics of the love songs resonated with my feelings and still, I keep on listening to them as they have now become my favorites too. He introduced me to local bands he had met during a university fair before and he listened to my favorite groups in return and took some time to get to know them at least. He always joked around and sent me memes because he told me he always wanted me to be happy. He would also do his best to listen and comfort me, and would try to help me with school related stuff. He even familiarized himself with my class schedule already. And his words of encouragement and support helped lighten the burden on my shoulders at least when I felt like I wanted to give up. And I may be a confident woman who doesn't need any validation from others, but his random compliments in the middle of the conversation never failed to make me smile widely, to the point that I can't even deny it.

The simple mobile games he had taught me so we could have something to bond over? I appreciate it a lot. He took his time to teach me since I'm not really a gamer type of person just so we could have fun since we've been too focused on our requirements lately. We would talk shit to each other playfully while in game, but he would apologize afterwards because he thought I'd get offended even though his jokes weren't even below the belt. It was such a breath of fresh air. And I love how I can talk to him about anything. May it be politics, science, or just something about life. He is fully aware of the social injustices in our society and I love the fact that we have the same moral values in life, also having the same mindset, and same humor. We can teach each other about the things we barely know about, and he would also educate me about things without making me feel stupid.

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