Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen:
"Go back to your 'friends'", he says, putting the word friends in quotation marks.

"I got things to do, that are worth my time," he adds coolly, hurting not only my pride.

I stare at him for a moment, totally out of place. I have to remind me that we aren't friends. This sentence just proved it.

I nod and turn around, walking to the others. They look nervous. They better have an explanation for me, I think looking at them expectantly.

"You know Zach?" Evan asks, keeping his poker face.

"Why do you ask? Something to hide?" I retort . "Because he said that Sam hit him and I wonder why. I thought you didn't know each other."

"It's a long story, Anna," Maria explains.

"I got time."

I look them all in the eyes, first Maria: she wouldn't speak. Then Luke: he looks away, biting his lip. Then Evan's my last chance.

"Evan? Please?"

"Anna..." he sighs. "Fine. We kow each other, okay? I actually know him since I was five. He lived in my street, and we would always play together in his garden. We told us everything and knew each other better than our parents. Our group grew, first Sam joined us, then Luke and Maria. We were all friends, but he would always be my best friend..." he says, taking a deep breath. "But then he changed. He pushed his friends away, became a loner, became bad. He hurt my feelings and last year we finally had a fight. He broke my arm, and that's when I realized that he didn't want to be my friend anymore. He betrayed us...I don't have a problem with him, I'm more disappointed im him than angry, but Sam doesn't like him anymore. I don't know why he hit him, but I'm sure he had a reason."

I feel eyes on me, they burn holes in my back, so I turn around and look at Zach. He was watching me the whole time Evan talked. Zach looks upset, so vulnerable. He shakes his head, his gace turning hard again and walks out of the shopping centre.

"Can you excuse me for a moment?" I ask. Not waiting for an answer, I walk out too, searching for Zach.

"Zach?!" I shout, not seeing him anywhere.

"Where are you?"

I would like to hear his version of the story, beacuse even through he pushes me away, I think he needs a friend. He seemed so hurt when he saw that Even told me their past.

"Zach! Come on, I just want to-"

"You what?!" he shouts from behind me. I turn around, suprised by his sudden outburst.

"You just wanted to tell me how disappointed you're in me?! Thank you very much, but I know that I did some shit with Evan. I'm not a lost case that you can somehow fix! I'm totally fine, thanks."

"Well, you obviously don't want a friend," I say, my voice trembling.

"No shit sherlock, I don't need one," he answers a little out of breath.

"I.. I g-gotta go," I state.

I need to go home, I need to see Jonas.

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