Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen:
Anna's POV

Maths is finally over and Evan and I are about to meet up with the others for lunch. It'll be the first time I'll see Sam after he hit Zach, and I've decided to just ignore the fact that he told Zach to 'fucking stay away from his friends'. I'll also ignore the fact that he hit him because of his fear to lose me to Zach. I don't know how he jumped to this conclusion, because apparently Zach and I aren't even friends. Yeah, he made that pretty clear.

We're in front of the cafeteria doors when I spot Trish and stop. I take Evan's arm and pull him to the side, making him look at me suspiciously.

"Anna, what are you doing?"

"Trish," I whisper-shout, thinking it would be obvious, but apparently it isn't. So I give him some more hints.

"You remember? Trish, who kinda told me to fuck off and to not walk in her way?"

"Ah! Trish!" he says a bit too loud for my liking.

"But I thought you wouldn't be intimidated by her. She just doesn't get enough attention from her parents, or something like that. I bet she already forgot about you," he reassures me and pulls me- against my will- inside.

I keep my head down and never look up once until we are safely at the table where Maria, Luke and Sam already wait. Maria gestures me to sit down beside her and I give her a grateful smile. But my smile soon fades when I spot Trish across the room. Judging by the hateful glare she is giving me, I'd say she didn't forget about last time. But I wonder what her problem is, because you can't hate someone for bumping into you, can you?

The situation gets even better when Zach enters the cafeteria. First off all, Sam clenches his fists, Trish offers me a smirk and Zach decides to break something in me by sitting down beside Trish. Everyone in the room suddenly disappeares when his eyes meet mine, there's now only him and me. I think he feels sorry, but only for a split second, because then he smirks and kisses Trish. Kisses her.

I gulp and look away. Stupid me. I look around the table and see Maria, Evan and Sam starring at them in disbelief. It's then that I notice that Luke isn't watching them, no, he's watching me. He looks at me as if trying to figure out what I feel. But guess what?  I don't even know it myself. But one thing is sure, worrying about me is unnecessary.

My phone vibrates and I look down at it:


You look like a beaten puppy.


How nice of you.


Just saying. Where's your beautiful smile??

I look up and meet his green eyes. This actually made me smile. Luke can be so nice, I wonder why he has no girlfriend? I stare at him for a moment until phone vibrates again.


Okay, okay. Stop looking at me, I know I'm gorgeous.

I laugh and earn suspicious looks from my friends, and a smirk from Luke.

"Screw him," I say aloud and take a slice of Maria's pizza.
Screw Zach.

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