Chapter 7: Pictures & Being Pursued

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Chapter 7: Pictures & Being Pursued


"Then he just left after saying that? What a creep," Louis comments as he flips through channels on the television.

"That's what I thought too. I mean, I don't know how you guys would feel, but I definitely don't feel safe. Like, at all. I constantly feel like I'm being watched or something, but when I look out any window, Liam isn't there. But I keep feeling like he's somehow... watching  my every move. What should I do?" Harry asks, pacing the floor in front of his best friends, hoping for some advice.

"Just tell him to stop stalking you, then," Niall says distractedly, getting Louis to stop flipping through the channels to watch a football game.

"Oh, yeah. Cuz that's so  easy," the youngest lad states sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Hold on. Maybe Nialler's onto something," Zayn chimes in, actually looking at Harry to show that his full attention is on him. "I mean, have you tried telling Liam to just... leave you alone? He might listen if you gave it a try."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Harry pulls at his hair and stops pacing to face Zayn. "I'm pretty sure that goes without saying, Zayn! It's not normal to just start stalking someone you barely know and say something like that. Liam is out of his damn mind, I'm telling you! I don't wanna be involved with someone like that. I can barely sleep knowing he might break in or something just to watch  me. And I swear he knows way too much about me, and we barely spoke about ourselves when he was here."

“See? This is what I was trying to tell you, Harry. I just knew something was wrong with Liam from the second I saw him. You need to stay away from him,” Louis declares, looking over at Harry now.

“How? I live right next to him!”

“Move out and find a new house – GOAL! Yes!” Niall cries out, throwing up his arms in the air.

“I can’t just do that, Niall. I literally just moved in here two days ago and I’m finally starting to settle in. Liam just had to go ruin it with his stalker-ness and fit body,” Harry argues, muttering the last part about Liam in the hopes that no one actually heard that.

The others look at him then, wrinkling their noses at having to hear that. “Didn’t need to hear that about Liam, Harry. He’s already got you hooked. How sad,” Louis notes disapprovingly.

“I – I’m not ‘hooked’ on him or whatever you’re saying!” the curly-haired lad denies, blushing furiously. “I just want him to leave me alone.”

“Of course you do,” Niall agrees with a chuckle.

“I don’t! I mean, I do, or – Whatever! You’re supposed to be helping  me.”

“Quick question,” Zayn cuts in before the others could start arguing. “When you and Liam, – you know, ‘slept together’, – Was he good? Cuz if he wasn’t, then it makes sense that you don’t want him to keep stalking you.”

What?!  Zayn, what the – That’s not why I want him to stop stalking me! I mean, he was good – really  good, but that’s besides the point! Can we just focus on the fact that stalking people is wrong  and you all have to help me figure out a way to stop Liam from doing whatever he’s doing or will do to me?” Harry nearly shouts in frustration.

“You know what? Let’s just deal with it now,” Louis declares as he gets up from the couch and heads for the door.

Harry is at a loss for words, blinking at Louis as he’s about to walk out the door and his other friends shrugging before following him. “Um, where are you going?” Harry asks worriedly.

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