Chapter 11: Up in Flames

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Chapter 11: Up in Flames

As soon as Harry parks his car outside of the hospital, Niall and Zayn jump out of the car and head straight into the building without even waiting for the youngest lad. Not that he minds, since they just really need to make sure that Louis is okay, and not actually dying right now. Because that's what matters at the moment, and they can figure out who did this to Louis later.

But Harry has somewhat of a bad feeling about who might be responsible.

Worry about it later, he scolds himself before following Niall and Zayn inside. When he gets there, Niall is already causing a commotion, yelling at the nurse to let them see their best friend.

"I don't get it! Why can't we see him? Can't you see that this is an emergency?! He might be dying right now!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but your friend might be in critical condition and most likely needs time to rest. If you could just take a seat and we'll let you know when - "

"No! You know what, nurse, we have every right to see him, so just tell us which room he's in! Man, I'm hungry!"

Harry makes his way to the counter, pulling Niall back and apologizing to the flustered nurse. "Sorry about him. But we'd really like to see our friend. We just want to make sure he's fine. He got into a car accident, and he called us earlier so we could visit him. Could you, by any chance, tell us which room he's in? We'd really appreciate it."

"Yeah. Use your freaking charm on her," Niall mutters under his breath in irritation.

"I'm trying to get us to see Louis, so just shu- "

"Miss, we know you're probably really busy right now, but we just need his room number, then we'll be on our way," Zayn cuts in, smiling softly at the now blushing nurse.

"Oh my god. He's actually flirting with her now," Niall groans.

"Uh, s- sure. Mr. Tomlinson is in room 312, on the third floor. The elevators are just down the hall and around the corner," the nurse surprisingly replies to Zayn, pointing to the direction they should be going in. "I think he already has a visitor, a young lady, but you should be able to go in and see him too."

"Thank you," the black-haired lad says with a smile, pulling on Harry and Niall's arms to the direction of the elevators quickly.

Shaking his head in amusement, Harry teases, "Of course she would do as you say, Malik."

"Oh, shut up."

"It's all because of his jaw and Greek god-like features," Niall adds as they step into the elevator.

"Well, I got us Louis' room number and we're going to see him now, aren't we?" Zayn snaps, crossing his arms over his chest. "Just shut up. Both of you. You're almost as bad as Louis would be right now."

The other two lads chuckle and step out of the elevator once it stops on the third floor. They head to room 312 just a few doors down and knock on the door before slowly pushing it open and poking their heads in. Upon seeing Louis sitting on the hospital bed very much alive and as good as he can look after that car accident, they smile and walk in to greet him.

"Boys! You're finally here!" Louis cheers, waving his arms up in the air as he's holding onto Eleanor's hand. "El, look at them! They're here!"

"Yes, Lou. I know. I can see them myself," she replies with a roll of her eyes.

"Hi, El," Harry greets her, giving her a hug before standing beside her at Louis' bed while Niall and Zayn stand on the other side.

"I'm so happy you lads are here. I was feeling so lonely, and El wouldn't let me call for room service."

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