Chapter 10: Dealing With Louis

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Chapter 10: Dealing With Louis


Harry sighs heavily as he finally gets the front door of his house open and closes it behind him, making sure to lock it for good measure. He feels exhausted after having his first day at university, even though he only had two lectures to attend today. It was still tiring and he just wants to take a nap before starting dinner in about two hours. That's enough time to take a very much needed nap, and maybe even a bath -

"Wow. You look like you've had a long day."

"You've gotta be kidding me," Harry mutters under his breath, dropping his backpack beside the couch in the living room. "Liam, how the hell did you get into my house again? I swear I locked the front door before I left."

"That's a secret, love. I can't tell you such valuable information," Liam replies easily, still sitting in Harry's seat across the room.

Rolling his eyes, Harry decides to just ignore him, since he's certain that even if he asks nicely, Liam still won't leave. And given the fact that he probably came here for something else, well, Harry's also pretty sure Liam won't be leaving until he gets what he wants. Not that Harry's giving anything to Liam. That was just a two-time thing. Never again.

"Okay, well, good job on breaking and entering into my house, or however you got in here, but you need to get out. I'm tired and I need a nap."

"Mind if I join you then?"

"Yes, actually. I do mind if you join me, so get the hell out of my house."

"Fine, fine. No need to get all snappy. I was just about to leave after checking the cam- I mean, I came to make sure your house was in a good state before you got home. I may have tidied up a bit for you, so you're welcome."

"Whatever. Can you just leave now? This is already too weird and I can't deal with you right now."

Liam smiles slightly and gets up from the chair to walk up to Harry. He tilts the younger lad's head up and kisses him suddenly as he gently places one hand on Harry's neck and the other around his waist. When he pulls away, Harry's eyes are wide in shock and he's completely speechless, making Liam chuckle as he steps back and heads for the front door.

"I've gotta go deal with someone, but I promise to make time for you tomorrow or maybe even tonight. Either way, you won't have to be too upset about missing me."

"That's not happening," Harry deadpans, gesturing for Liam to head out the door already.

"And I totally believe you. Until then, my love!" Liam calls out before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

"He's completely mental."

With that last statement, Harry heads up to his room and pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it on the floor. He slips out of his jeans and is about to lie down on his bed to nap when he hears a soft, but still an audible whirring sound. Furrowing his brows in confusion, he looks around the room and tries to look for whatever made that sound. When he doesn't see anything suspicious, he shakes his head, thinking he's lost his mind all because of Liam and his creepiness. Liam really is to blame for all of this.

Instead of pondering on whatever made that noise and what it could possibly mean, Harry pulls the comforter back on his bed and finally lies down. He wraps himself up in it comfortably and closes his eyes, falling asleep in no time.

He completely misses the sound of clicks from a tiny camera going off on a wall in the corner of his room.

As if Liam doesn't have enough pictures of Harry sleeping almost completely naked.

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