Chapter 8: Never See It Coming

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Chapter 8: Never See It Coming


Surprisingly, a few days have passed now and Liam hasn't done anything more to scare the life out of Harry; at least nothing Harry's known about. Which is good, and he greatly appreciates it. He probably shouldn't feel too relieved, since he doesn't know exactly what else to expect from Liam because there’s bound to be more to come, but he can't help it. He's gotten quite a break from Liam's 'creepiness', even when he's still terrified of him.

But he can appreciate a break from all that, can't he? And today seems to be the start, since it's his first day working at the bakery.

As he gets dressed, trying not to worry about the fact that he'll be starting Uni tomorrow, Harry can't help but feel that someone – most likely Liam, because why in the world wouldn’t it be even after all this is?  – is watching him. He swears he's been developing a sense of noticing when someone is watching him in his own house, and who can really blame him? That’s considered self-defence, isn’t it?

“Can’t you continue leaving me alone like you’ve been doing these past few days?”

“Well, aren’t you clever? Most people wouldn’t notice I’m in their house until at least a month or so,” Liam responds, leaning against the doorway of Harry’s bedroom. “But good morning to you too, Stylesy.”

“Seriously, Liam. Get out of my house and leave me alone. Go stalk someone else, cuz I’m not falling for it.”

“Oh, but you already have.”

“No, I haven’t!”

Liam raises his hands up in mock-defense against Harry’s denial, chuckling to himself. “Hey, now. No need to get hostile.”

Scoffing at that, Harry turns to face Liam, his shirt only buttoned up halfway. “How am I being ‘hostile’?! You’re the one stalking me! You’re the one who’s been doing all this crazy s*** ever since I moved here literally a week ago! Normal people don’t do this, Liam! Who the hell do you think you are?! Like, f***!”

“Wow. You seem really stressed out. Need a massage?”

“Do I what? No, Liam! I don’t ‘need  a freaking massage’! Especially not from you! Like, really?! Why would you even ask that? It’s not normal to ask something like that! You have to know that, at least.”

“And there you go again, yelling about such small things you have absolutely no control over,” Liam says dismissively, taking slow steps towards Harry with an innocent-looking smile on his face. “But, seriously. Let me give you a massage. I’m pretty gifted in that as well. I’ve been told my hands are like ‘magic’ when I give massages. I mean, you already know what my hands can do when they’re inside you, so why not? Isn’t it worth a shot?”

Even though Harry he really shouldn’t find that somewhat arousing, he can’t help it. He can feel his cock straining against his skinny jeans just from what Liam said, which shouldn’t be happening. Liam does not turn him on. Like, at all. So his sudden boner should just go away and –

By now, Liam is standing right in front of him with a smug smirk on his face that Harry really wants to wipe off. He probably notices Harry’s boner, and Harry does not appreciate that lustful look on Liam’s face, which practically says he wants to f*** Harry, like right now. But Harry does not want that, so too bad for Liam. At least, that’s what he’s trying to convince himself as Liam backs him up against the wall and palms at Harry’s cock through his jeans. He hums as he hears Harry’s breath hitch in his throat, clearly not minding the feeling of Liam touching him like this again after a while.

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