Author's Note: I was just offended...

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Author's Note: I was just offended...

Hey readers,

So, there was some random person who just criticized me harshly and left a pretty offensive message on my dashboard (you can probably read the whole thing on my dashboard; even my reply - and I had A LOT to say back).

Apparently, I shouldn't be able to call myself a Directioner because I write fanfics about Lirry. This person went on about me just having to call myself a "daydreamer" instead, because apparently, writing fanfics is not being supportive of the boys. In fact, this person said that I was basically going against the boys by writing "gay fanfics". He or she kept complaining about how annoying or whatever Larry shippers already are, and that what I'm doing is basically "wrong" and I should "wake up". (P.S.: No, I'm not a Larry shipper, 'cause I clearly ship Lirry all the way and I don't believe that's a problem.)

I don't know about you guys, but I was offended by this. So, I defended myself and wrote a long and very detailed reply. I tried to let it go, but I just couldn't do that because it was offensive.

Anyway, I just needed to let off some steam and I thought I'd let you know.

This message just ruined my day, and I was hoping to forget about it by getting some supportive comments from you guys. I hope this isn't asking much, but I guess I need to be reassured that writing fanfics is actually worth doing, 'cause I know you guys enjoy reading my stories.

I don't even know why this message got to me so much, but - UGH! It just bugs me so much! Like, I keep thinking about whether or not I should keep writing just to avoid harsh messages like that; even when I don't wanna think like that.

But whatever. I'm trying not to think about it too much. Just needed to confide in you guys, 'cause I know I can count on all of you! :)

Thanks for all the support you've given me so far! I hope this didn't get you down as well. 

I'll survive, so don't worry about me. This is just a first for me on these terms. I'm just too sensitive for this kind of stuff. But I'll try my best to get over it and toughen up.

Lots of love! x

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