Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbour

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbour 

When Harry opens the door, he almost doesn't recognize the same lad that was just standing outside his kitchen window. It's probably because said lad is now smiling brightly, with his eyes crinkling at the corners as way of greeting. Harry is so  confused.

"Um, hi?"

"Hi! I mean, hello," the other lad greets happily, sticking out one of his hands for a handshake without dropping the cake and vase in his hands.

Harry didn't even notice this stranger was holding those things. Yeah. I'm definitely so confused right now, he thinks before he forces a smile on his face that doesn't even come close to the other lad's, and shakes his hands. He has a nice, firm grip, Harry notes before he realizes how long they've actually been shaking hands and how the other lad is actually holding  onto his hand.

"Right. So, uh, who are you? I mean, not to be rude, although you were just outside my kitchen window, and – "

"Sorry about that! I was just trying to get you here so I could properly welcome you to the neighbourhood; with these!" the brown-eyed lad declares as he holds out the cake and vase towards Harry. "I'm Liam, by the way. Liam Payne."

"Harry Styles."

"I know," Liam says softly with a smile.

"Pardon?" the green-eyed lad questions, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

Liam shakes his head and chuckles to himself before he replies, "Never mind. I'm glad I could finally meet you, though. I noticed the moving truck you have on your driveway and I would've helped you carry some things in, but I saw you already had some friends for that."

"Oh. You were, um, watching us?"

"Do you need help unpacking? I wouldn't mind giving up some of my time for you."

"Yeah, he won't be needing your help, Leeroy or whatever your name is," Louis interrupts from behind Harry, tugging him back into the house. “But thanks for offering! Bye!”

He closes the door in front of Liam’s face then, missing the eye twitch on Liam’s face caused by Louis butting in and ruining his plan of getting close to Harry. But there’ll be other opportunities, he thinks to calm himself, shaking his head before he walks off Harry’s front porch and back into his own house. He can think of other plans, anyway. So many things to do.

“That was rude, Louis. He was just offering – “

“To possibly kill  you? Harry, you can’t be so trusting and naïve, especially with your creepy neighbour.”

“You don’t even know him yet. I’m not gonna judge him like you are, even though he was standing outside my kitchen window telling me to go there,” Harry says the last part under his breath as he places the vase Liam gave him on a small side table in the living room.

“Then you obviously missed the way he was practically devouring  you with his eyes,” Louis retorts, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Stop being ridiculous. He wasn’t looking at me like that.”

“Ooh. Cake!” Niall exclaims, completely oblivious to what they were talking about. “Can we cut that up and eat it now? You know, to celebrate Harry moving in here and all that. Plus, I’m hungry, so… Let us have cake, lads!”

Zayn chuckles and takes the cake from Harry’s arms to bring it to the kitchen. Niall eagerly follows, telling Zayn to cut him a big piece to ‘satisfy his never-ending hunger’. Harry makes to follow after them, but Louis holds him back by grabbing his arm and gives him a stern look. The curly-haired lad blinks and silently asks Louis what else there is to say.

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