Chapter 25: Meant to Be - LAST CHAPTER!

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Chapter 25: Meant to Be - LAST CHAPTER!

*A/N: Yes, my lovelies. Unfortunately this is the last chapter! - Until the EPILOGUE, that is! Hope you enjoy reading this until then! And keep in mind, this chapter is really long, but worth it!*

A long moment of silence falls between them as Liam is evidently shocked, not moving from where he's standing on the stairs. Harry blushes slightly and looks down at his boots, toeing at the marble floors as he bites his lip in anxiety.

He really has no idea what Liam will say to him - If he even does talk to Harry. Liam has every right to ignore him and kick him out, but Harry is really hoping Liam won't do that.

I didn't come all the way here to be pushed away, he thinks in determination.

So, instead of continuing to look down and appear not-so confident, Harry takes in a deep breath and lifts his head to look at Liam. He huffs and stands tall, making sure Liam realizes how serious he is about being here, and that no, Liam can't just kick him out or whatever. He's determined to make Liam hear him out, and he'll do just about anything to make this stubborn man listen to him.

"Before you say anything, there's no way I'm leaving until we talk."

"You wanna talk?" Liam asks in disbelief, finally being able to speak and walk down the stairs. "Harry, you can't just come here and - "

"Liam, we need to freaking talk since you were stupid enough to believe I would be 'happier' without you."

When Liam doesn't say anything after that, Harry sighs and walks up to him. He grabs Liam's hand and squeezes it to emphasize his point, looking up at him. Liam looks down at him for a few seconds with an expression showing how much he's struggling inside.

But after a minute, he looks away from Harry's eyes and gives Anthony a stern look with narrowed eyes. Harry rolls his eyes and tries to make Liam look at him, but fails as Liam continues to ignore him.

"Anthony, please tell me why he is here."

"Because you need him, sir," the butler replies too easily, hands behind his back and a grin on his face.

"I don't remember telling you that, like ever," Liam argues through clenched teeth.

"You didn't have to. Now, I don't mean to cut this conversation short, but I will bring Mr. Styles' bag to your room and leave you two to discuss the rest."

Before Liam can argue some more, Anthony bows slightly and makes his way up the stairs, leaving the two younger lads alone in the front hall. Liam sighs heavily and pulls his hand away from Harry's to run it through his own hair, purposely tugging it in frustration.

"You shouldn't be here. At all. Why are you here, Harry?!"

"I already told you why," the curly-haired lad snaps, now crossing his arms over his chest and glaring up at Liam. "We need to talk, and we're gonna do it now. I won't wait any longer."

"Well, I disagree. We are not gonna talk about anything, so you can just leave right now - "

"No! I'm not leaving without you!"

"Harry, stop being so stubborn! Just leave now before it's too late and things get more complicated," Liam nearly yells in desperation, knowing he's running out of time even though he really does appreciate Harry being here. Of course he does. Not that this 'reunion' can last very long, though.

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