EPILOGUE: Until Today

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EPILOGUE: Until Today

*A/N: YAY! - The epilogue is finally here! I hope you enjoy reading the very end of this story! And just to let you know again, this part just so happens to be very long too, but I promise it will be worth the read!*


"You're not getting into any trouble with the other in-mates, right?"


"What about the guards?"

"Of course not love," Liam says with a scoff, but he can't hold back a smile as he stares at Harry on the other side of the glass separating them.

"Good," Harry states with a nod, then lets out a sigh and slumps his shoulders.

Frowning at his lover's sudden show of misery, Liam reaches out his hand in hopes of touching Harry's in comfort. But then he realizes shortly after that he can't even touch Harry because of the glass between them. He sighs and pulls his hand back before he speaks to Harry.

"Haz... I'll be out of here in four years."

"I - I know that. But I just really miss you, and I hate the fact that this is all we'll get to do until then."

"Me too," Liam whispers, but forces a small smile on his face for Harry's sake.

Harry sighs heavily and leans on his elbow after placing it on the counter. "Just please don't get into trouble, okay? I don't want you to stay in here any longer than you have to."


"Because I need you, Li."

"As I need you."

"Then hurry up and get out of here," Harry jokes lightly.

"If you can make time go by faster, then I'll be even more impressed in you."

"Sorry to disappoint."

When Harry chokes up from saying that, Liam frowns again and tries to keep his boyfriend from crying. "No, no. Haz, babe, please don't cry."

"I can't help it! You're still stuck in here, and it's only been a freaking year!"

"You can do it, babe."

"Four years - How the hell am I supposed to wait four more years for you to get out?"

"... You don't have to wait for me, you know," Liam suggests softly, ignoring the painful clench of his heart. "You never had to wait for me, but you did until now. And I'm telling you that you can move on with someone else. Something you should've done a while ago."

Head snapping up to look at Liam with wide eyes, Harry shakes his head furiously. "No, I wouldn't - No, Liam."

"I'm just saying - "

"Well, stop saying stupid stuff," Harry snaps, now glaring at Liam.

"I want you to always be happy, babe. You're not very happy right now or whenever you come here."

"You're kidding, right?"

Slamming his hand on the counter, Harry glares at Liam fiercely. The brown-eyed lad is startled slightly, raising an eyebrow in question of Harry's actions. And it only worries him that maybe Harry is losing it from having to wait for him to get out and be free.

"Liam, don't you dare tell me I'm not happy to see you. I visit you so I can see and talk to you. It's the only thing that keeps me going. The only thing that makes me happy."

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