Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken

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Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken

*A/N: This chapter is dedicated to all you lovely people who left all those wonderful supporting comments in the part I posted last week before I went on a small hiatus to focus on my exams! This is a way of me saying THANK YOU for having my back and making my day after it was pretty much ruined by that one person. But that's over and I've dealt with it, thanks to YOU! :)

A special thanks to @OnTheRise for always being someone I can rely on as a fellow Lirry writer, to @Payzer_Sophiam for just being a wonderful soul, to @Shardaya12 for being so supportive and leaving all those comments throughout this story, to @Irrevozarry for that supportive comment you left, and to anyone else that's been there for me since the beginning!*


"My back hurts," Harry whines, stretching out his limbs slowly after getting up from the chair he slept on last night.

"So does mine, But what else could we have done?" Niall says with a shrug.

"Well, I feel fine," Louis states smugly from his bed.

"Of course you do. You actually got to sleep in a bed while the rest of us slept on these chairs," the curly-haired lad retorts, then hisses when he feels his back strain from stretching.

Louis rolls his eyes, and lays his head back on his pillow. "Oh, quit complaining. I told you guys you could go back home last night, but no. All you guys did was yell at me, saying that you didn't mind staying here. I mean, I have El here, so you didn't have to stay too."

"Well, call me paranoid or whatever, but I didn't want Liam possibly hurting you any more than he already has if we left."

"Harold, you know that's just crazy talk. And besides, we called the police last night. They probably went to take care of it. I say we just relax now and stop worrying about him. And besides, I'm hungry. When do you think they'll bring me food?"

Harry and Niall sigh, yet smile fondly a Louis for still being himself after everything. Eleanor just smiles back at them, then smacks Louis' hand when he tries to press the assistance button to contact a nurse. It's only to be used for emergencies, but Louis argues that this is an emergency, and something else about his stomach dying.

"We're gonna go out and quickly get something to eat," Harry informs the couple as he walks to the door with Niall in tow.

"Fine. Be selfish and don't get me something too. It's not like hospital food is bad or anything."

"Alright. As long as you don't mind eating that crap then we'll be on our way, mate," Niall says teasingly, laughing as he dodges a pillow Louis throws at him. He hurries out with Harry and closes the door behind them.

"He'll be fine. El will force food down his throat if she really has to," Harry informs the blond with a smile.

"Oh, I know. I've learned not to underestimate the power of women - Oof."

Niall stumbles back a bit, but keeps hold of the person's arms to make sure they don't fall after bumping into them. Harry looks worriedly at them and ready to apologize on Niall's behalf before he notices the person Niall bumped into, a girl with blondish-brown hair, blushing at the Irish lad. Harry smirks, then takes a few steps back to give them some privacy. Can you blame him for wanting to listen in on them a bit?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, but I should've looked where I was going!"

"Don't worry about it. I should've looked where I was going too," the girl informs him waving off his apology. "And by the way, I'm glad you've learned that."

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