Chapter 17: The Truth or A Lie?

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Chapter 17: The Truth or A Lie?


*WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT! You have been warned!*

"Li, f***. Your body," Harry moans, kissing all over Liam's chest and sucking love bites to mark him up.

"Thanks," Liam replies, pretty breathless as Harry teases his cock with his hand. "Haz."

"Hold on. I just wanna feel you."

Cursing loudly, Liam bites his lip as Harry lowers himself until his mouth is this close to Liam's cock. Harry smirks right before he takes the tip into his mouth, licking and sucking obscenely. The brown-eyed lad squeezes his eyes shut and moans at feeling Harry taking more of him in his mouth.

When he starts bobbing his head up and down, Harry wraps a hand around the base of Liam's cock. Liam reaches down one of his hands and tangles it into Harry's hair, tugging slightly as he feels pleasure run through his body. Harry moans around his cock, enjoying the fact that his hair is being pulled by Liam. He sucks even more of Liam's cock into his mouth and closes his eyes when he hears Liam get louder.

"Haz, that's – that's enough, babe," Liam breathes out, tugging Harry away from his cock.

"No," Harry whines, but complies when Liam pulls him up so they can kiss passionately. He smiles and lets Liam lick into his mouth, grinding their hips against each other.

"Quite a talented mouth you got there."

"Quite a cock you got down there too. And I'd like it in me, so where's your lube?"

"Christ, Haz. You're gonna be the death of me, you know that?"

"Not before you f*** me," Harry counters teasingly.

Liam chuckles and pecks his lips before sitting up and reaching over to his nightstand drawer. Harry hums and lazily kisses Liam's neck, waiting for him to get the lube and a condom. Not that it really matters whether they use a condom or not. Harry doesn't mind much having Liam's cum in him like last time, which has been way too long ago.

He suddenly feels hands nudging him away slightly, so he looks down and gives Liam a questioning look. Liam is already coating his fingers with some lube, making Harry's breath hitch.

"Scoot over so I can prep you."

"That's – Okay," Harry responds quietly, getting up on his knees as he's still straddling Liam.

Reaching around Harry, Liam looks up and watches Harry's reaction when he spreads his cheeks apart. Harry whimpers and leans down to kiss him, spreading his legs apart even more. Liam smiles and teases at Harry's hole, watching as he shivers and moans; clearly wanting more.

 Harry whines and pushes his bum back until the tip of Liam's finger slips in. He moans and begs Liam to push it in deeper, wanting to feel it buried inside him.

"Please, Liam."

"Shh. I know, love," Liam whispers, kissing Harry's eyes as they flutter closed.

He pumps his finger in and out of Harry deliciously slow, taking in the pleasure-filled sounds Harry is letting out shamelessly. Liam can feel both of them getting harder, so he reaches down and wraps his other hand around both of them. Harry chokes on air and thrust his hips forward.

To be honest, he doesn't even know whether he wants to push forward into Liam's hand or push back into the other. But he appreciates that Liam's giving him attention on both ends now.

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