Chapter 12: About to Give In

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Chapter 12: About to Give In

When Harry runs past the automatic doors leading outside of the hospital, he pants and tries to catch his breath as he looks around for Zayn. He just has to make sure Zayn is okay, then he can stop panicking and thinking Liam is much worse than he seems.

"Zayn?!" he calls out desperately.

"Harry? F***! Harry, I'm over here!" Zayn shouts back in response from the side of the building, struggling to pull his jacket off.

At the sound of Zayn in distress, Harry's heart beats even faster with adrenaline and he quickly runs to where he heard Zayn's voice coming from. Upon seeing him and all the flames on his jacket, Harry head over and helps Zayn pull it off. Once they manage that, Harry throws it on the ground and tries his best to stomp out the flames. By then, Niall has caught up and sees Harry stomping on what appears to be Zayn's leather jacket on fire. He curses and helps Harry out until the flames are out and they stop to take their breath.

"Oh my god. What the hell just happened to you, Zayn?!"

"Some homeless guy just decided to set me on fire — S***. My arms are burnt."

"We should get you inside to be checked by a doctor," Harry says breathlessly as he looks over Zayn with Niall.

Zayn follows them inside, making sure not to touch anything and not move his arms too much. Niall hurries over to a nurse to get her to look after Zayn, who is immediately led into one of the rooms to be checked by a doctor. Harry bites his lip as he and Niall make their way back to Louis' room to let him and Eleanor know what happened.

"By time you got back and explained yourself," Louis states once he sees the two lads walk in without Zayn. "Hold on. Where's Malik?"

"He got — He said a homeless guy outside the hospital set him on fire. A doctor's checking on him now," the curly-haired lad replies, quite shaken by what just happened to another one of his friends. Which shouldn't have happened at all if I got there in time to save him.

"Pardon? What kind of homeless guy does something like that?"

Before Niall could answer that, Harry looks up from where he was looking at the ground and says, "It wasn't a homeless guy."

"What are you talking about? Zayn just said — "

"No, Niall. I don't think a lot of homeless people stay outside of the hospital and do things like that. This has Liam written all over it, I'm sure of it."

Louis, Eleanor, and Niall gasp, feeling even more uneasy about this whole situation. Harry sighs heavily and takes a seat on a chair to try and calm himself down before he freaks out again. Louis grasps Eleanor's hand in his and squeezes it for reassurance before he speaks up.

"Then Liam needs to be dealt with. I'm talking about calling the cops and getting them involved. He's getting way out of hand. I mean, he freaking tried to kill me and Zayn in one day. Who knows what else he has planned?"

"D- does that mean I'm next?" Niall asks in fear, trembling slightly.

"No, it doesn't, Nialler. We'll make sure nothing happens to you and Harry. Liam's way past insane and is just mentally ill. El, can you grab my phone so I can call the police and — "

Harry's phone makes a beeping noise, indicating that he has a text message. He takes it out of his pocket and reads the message from an unknown number:

I wouldn't let Louis call the police, Stylesy. You wouldn't want something to happen to Niall as well, do you? Three friends getting hurt in one day? That's a lot to handle, don't you think?

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