Welcome to My World

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Lexy was busy with her job, writing her articles with Clark, and hanging out with other aliens staying at the Lab, and spent her free time exploring Metropolis. As the days passed, more of this free time was with Clark. She wondered if he spent time with her because of the articles they were writing or because he was concerned she'd reveal he was Superman. She promised herself she wouldn't reveal his secrets or ask why he spent so much time on her.

His other reason is he's working on the article with you. It's not personal. You see how much attention he gets from women and couldn't he just take his pick! Except for Lois. Her loss. She liked being with him more and more as she got to know the foundling who'd been raised by the Kents in Smallville, learned to use his abilities to help his adopted planet, and had his private life as a prize-winning journalist. She put off thoughts of how much she would miss him when she returned to Earth1.

She and Clark worked on the articles for the Planet a few evenings a week after her workday was over. She'd take the subway to Midtown Park, and walk to the Planet Building. When they finished for the day, they'd go to dinner, sometimes at the diner, sometimes another restaurant. Larry joined them on the nights he worked. After dinner, Clark insisted on seeing Lexy back to the Lab, dropping Larry off at his group home on the way.

One night they rode the South Troy Line Subway. All the seats were taken, and most of the straps. Clark held a strap, and Lexy held his arm. His warmth came through his shirt, and she felt his strong muscles flexing as he shifted when the car swayed. She wanted the subway ride to last. She said, "I can take the subway as long as it's not late, Clark, or take the bus. I used to in Manhattan. You have things to do that maybe can't wait." She meant his work as Superman.

"Call it my farm boy upbringing, but I'll see you home if it's after dark," Clark said. "Or put you in a cab if I can't. There's Larry, too. He walks to save money."

"He's a good kid," said Lexy. "Smart, hard-working. Too bad he lost his parents last year." She felt sometimes that she was living a Superman movie.

Those few days Clark didn't have to write or take care of business as Superman, they traveled around the six boroughs. Lexy thought she have to see as much of New York as she saw of Metropolis when she returned. One fine afternoon they visited the zoo and she'd seen the interplanetary animals cared for there. She said, "My world has its wonders, but nobody will believe what I've seen here."

"Do you think people will make it hard for you when you return?" Clark asked.

"I don't know what happened there, so I'll just have to see. Maybe I can avoid an explanation. Amnesia." They strolled out the zoo gates and up a quiet, tree-lined street to the subway. "I'm thirsty and I'd like tea and to sit down. There don't seem to be any coffee shops in Metropolis. Do you know where one is? They're pretty much everywhere on my world."

"Coffee shop? There's a chain of donut shops, and quick service sandwich shops. There's a diner," Clark said. "We can get coffee there."

"I mean a coffee shop, like—you wouldn't know the name. It's a café, where you can sit and have coffee or tea, a light meal, and talk for hours or read or work."

"I went to them when I was in Europe. Neighborhood spots, if you didn't want a bar."

"Right. Amazing you don't have them here. I didn't think i'd miss cake pops."

"Cake pops? Cake on a stick? How does it stay on?"

"Oh, it just a ball of cake and icing decorated. Ideal light snack and just the right amount of sweetness. Let's go to the diner, then."


Clark's parents came for a weekend, and they seemed very interested in her.

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