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Pris and Dex helped them get things sorted out concerning her disappearance and return with Clark. Many governments were trying to figure out just what had happened. Lexy wasn't the only disappearance from the June Maelstrom, and strange newcomers had arrived. Many unexplainable things happened with the bizarre storms that blew through New York City and the world that summer, and Governments were still analyzing what happened. People disappearing, and people who couldn't be explained, like Clark, showing up.

Two days later, they packed for Columbia. They left for South Carolina with Pris, and Lexy introduced Clark to her family.

The L okra soup accepted the new arrival matter-of-fairly, and Lexy's relationship with him. They didn't seem impressed by his probably otherworld origins, or him. Clark thought they were more concerned with Sadie, sick in the hospital.

A few days later Lexy donated bone marrow for Her niece. When Lexy was released from the hospital, she recuperated at her mother's home. Mrs. Logan was a faded beauty, with a strong resemblance to Pris. Lexy had some of her mother's good looks, but her quiet nature let people look through her to her attractive mother and sister.

Clark cared for Lexy as she recuperated. Mrs. Logan still mourned for Marty, her son, and her attention was centered on Pris and her daughters, especially Sadie. Lexy was an afterthought. Mrs. Logan did little to care for Lexy. She didn't prepare meals, or help her get around. She made no offers to get things Lexy might need or want. Her focus was on Sadie's recovery. Lexy fell by the wayside.

Pris stopped by one night to tell them Sadie was doing well and expected to recover, although she would still be under doctor's care for months. "I'm so grateful to you, Lexy. The studio in Manhattan is half-paid for, and if you want to take over the mortgage, it's yours. Dex has interests in office buildings, and they're looking for security. So, Clark, if you want a job there, he'll help you."

"Thanks, Pris," said Clark. "Lexy and I want to go back to New Tr—Manhattan."

They left the next day, and settled in the studio. Clark began work as security for the building where Dex's firm had offices. He did well, his slightly enhanced senses a plus. He adapted to normalcy comfortably: it remindws him of his happy days growing up in Smallville.

He and Lexy often traveled to work together. She was offered a permanent job at the firm, and took it. They had a home, jobs, money, and each other. Happy days.

In their free time, they walked around Manhattan or took busses or the subway to visit the boroughs. They went to Coney Island, the Bronx Zoo, and a Broadway show. Lexy took him often to the coffee shops she told Pete Ross about.

One fine day Lexy got Clark a pumpkin spice coffee. He tasted it, and drank more. His eyes shone. He finished the cup. "This is as near perfect as coffee can get," he told Lexy, and she laughed. He got another cup.

"Pumpkin spice coffee and you. Perfect together," Lexy said. She thought she was as happy those three weeks as she had been on Clark's Earth.

One afternoon Lexy and Clark were walking around the Battery. The sun started to set, and they sat on a bench and watched the evening fall. The first stars appeared. Lexy leaned her head on Clark's shoulder. He kissed her hair.



"I love you and want to be with you for the rest of my life, however long that is. On this Earth." Lexy straightened up and looked at Clark, her heart beating faster. "Will you marry me? As I am. Just an ordinary man, who loves you." He held out an item from the package Martha had given him: a box, open to show the small oval diamond engagement ring Jonathan had given Martha.

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