Phantom Haunting

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Clark crossed the street and gave the fruit basket to a beggar sitting in the shade, his hat on the sidewalk before him. The guy looked surprised, but took an orange from the basket and began to peel it.

Clark walked back across the street and waited by the Bijoux theater, where he could see when Faora returned to her apartment. He called Lexy.

"Hi. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you immediately, Lexy. Can you meet me by the Bijoux theater, near 55th?

"Sure, it's my lunch. Clark, is there trouble?"

"Yeah, and I need to talk to you. I may not have much time. Can you come right away?"

"I'm on my way."

A few minutes later Lexy paid off a cab and joined him under the marquee of the Bijoux. She went to him. "Clark, dearest, what is going on? Please tell me if there's trouble."

Clark's face tightened and Lexy's heart sank. It's bad. It's bad. My Earth can't be poison to him. Can it?

He forced the words out. "There are still breaches in the Phantom Zone from the Maelstroms." Her lips formed an "O". He wanted to go somewhere there was no Phantom Zone, no Faora, no Maelstroms, and be with Lexy. "Some Kryptonians from the Zone also came to New York City, here on Earth1. Among the most dangerous criminals. Faora, Non, and a couple others.

"Faora? Zod's wife? And Non? The giant?"

Clark nodded. "What happened at work was that they used the alley behind our office as a message drop, cause some of them worked for the dumpster company. From what I've found out, only Faora and Non are still here, but they're planning to return to my Earth and join Zod in an invasion there." He watched her face fall, and tears gather in her eyes as she realized the meaning of this information.

"No, Clark, please no."

He shook his head. "I wish it weren't so, but I'm waiting here for Faora and Non." He jerked his head to a building. "They have an apartment in that gray building, but the concierge told me Faora and Non are moving out today." After a long pause, he said, "I'm going to follow them."

"How can they get back to Earth?" Tears filled Lexy's eyes.

"Apparently there's a breach in Central Park they can use. In any case, I'm going to follow them and try to capture them. Take them to the Justice League." He took Lexy's trembling fingers in his hand. "The League has to know what is happening."

"And you are the only person who can tell them." Lexy laid her head on Clark's chest, weeping. When she had herself under control, she looked up at him. "Clark, my dearest. You must go. You'll take my love with you. You have no idea how long they'll be?"

He handed her a tissue, and she wiped her eyes. "No. We have a few minutes, though, I think. It won't be safe for you if they see us together. Faora and Non will recognize me."

She nodded. They talked quietly for a few minutes, about nothing important and everything essential. At last, Lexy said, "Give Martha and Jonathan my love. Take care of Larry." She took a deep, ragged breath. "Be careful, my dearest Clark." They kissed goodbye. Lexy walked to the corner, flagged down a cab, and got in. The cab drove by the Bijoux. Lexy watched Clark from the cab until it turned the next corner and he was out of sight.


Clark waited, watching the gray apartment building. His patience was soon rewarded when a taxi stopped and Faora and Non got out and went into the building. He moved to the corner. Soon the two Kryptonians left the building and walked to the Park. Clark followed them to Castle Belvedere. They sat on a bench by the Castle and waited. Clark sat out of sight and watched them. Non was restless, pointing to the sun in the blue sky. Faora kept soothing him.

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