Operation Close Sesame

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Two days later Clark sat in the living room of the Kent farm with his parents and Larry.

"I'll tell you what Barry and Emil have worked out. "We're going to return Faora and Non to the Phantom Zone and seal the breaches caused by the Maelstroms. Emil now believes the storms came from the Phantom Zone, but he doesn't know how." Clark was resigned, and Martha patted his hand.

"That's good, isn't it? Maybe you can go back to Earth1 then?

Clark shook his head. "No, Ma, all the breaches will be sealed, or this won't work."

"Can you go back before they're sealed?"

"I have to be here to seal them. What I tell you now is confidential. Top secret."

Martha, Jonathan, and Larry nodded.

"Emil will need a Kryptonian to close the breaches, which is apparently how Zod somehow accessed them during the storms."

"Yeah," said Martha.

Clark was silent, then said, "Emil and Barry will use gold Kryptonite to power the seals. They calling the procedure Operation Close Sesame."

Jonathan said, "Gold kryptonite will remove your super abilities permanently, won't it?"

Clark looked at his father. "Yes, Pa. I'll be a man, not a superman."

Larry said, "Can't I do it? Then maybe I can go to Kandor." The teen's face fell, and he watched his brother, wanting to help him.

"No, Larry, it has to be a full-strength Kryptonian. Kara was weakened by green kryptonite, and is recuperating at the Lab. I'm back to full ability, and I'm the only one who can do it."

"Clark," said Larry, and fell silent.

"When is Close Sesame going to happen?" Martha asked.

"Tomorrow," said Clark.

"What can we do to help?" Marth asked.

"Afterwards, I'd like to move back to Smallville for a while," said Clark. "Maybe permanently. Perry White said I can work remotely, writing my column, maybe some editing. I've got another novel in mind."

"Clark, this is your home. We'd love to have you," said Martha.

"You're always welcome here, son," said Jonathan. The family talked, making plans for the future, and taking a long walk around the farm before Clark left.

He hugged his parents and his brother. "Larry, you're a good kid. I'm very glad you're my brother."

"I'm here as long as you need me, Clark," said Larry, hugging Clark again. "I'll see you soon, right?"

"Right. I love you all." Clark stepped back, shifted into his Superman suit, and with a rush of air, was beyond the horizon.


The next morning Clark, as Superman, entered the facility that housed the equipment that would seal the breaches in the Phantom Zone. The small piece of gold Kryptonite that would power the machinery, and remove Clark's super abilities, rested in a sealed box that blocked its radiation, harmless to everyone but Kryptonians.

Clark sipped coffee from the cafeteria and said, "I won't miss the coffee here, for sure."

"Really?" said Emil. "You don't like that wonderful brew?"

Clark laughed. "It's better than the coffee in the lounge, at any rate."

Kara Zor-El came in. She was on the mend but still pale and shaky from her exposure to green kryptonite. She hugged Clark hard, and held him for a minute. "I wish I could do more," she said.

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