Two Worlds

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The song faded away and the last dance ended. Clark and Lexy stood together, letting their last dance linger a few moments longer. The guests milled as Jimmy and Lucy left to change.

They were back quickly, and Gen. Lane led the guests in sending them off. Estelle lane wiped tears away. The guests began leaving.

The Kents left with Larry, and Clark and Lexy caught a cab to his apartment. They walked into the quiet rooms, where Bootsie meowed his 'feed me, human,' cry. Lexy filled his bowl.

"It's almost one o'clock," Lexy said. "Do you have to patrol tonight?"

Clark nodded. "I wish I didn't. We have so little time left."

"Better go, then, dearest. I'll be here when you get home." Lexy kissed him, and heard and felt again that familiar rush of air as he flew away. She wondered how many more times she'd be there when Clark flew away.


The next three days passed all too quickly for Lexy. She completed the reports Barry wanted for STAR Labs, spent as much time as she could with the Kents and Clark, and the night before she left, packed. She took the backpack she'd brought and filled it with her belongings, a necklace with the House El symbol Clark gave her, and got Bootsie's crate ready.

She cooked Clark's favorite dinner, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, summer squash, and ice cream for dessert. After they finished, they washed the dishes. Lexy said, "Let's take one last walk, alright?"


"The harbor. I'd like to watch the sunset."

They strolled along the waterfront, little fingers linked, the sunset golden in a purple sky before them. All too soon, the sun set and the stars appeared.

Clark asked, "What are you  thinking?"

Lexy said, "Tomorrow I'll see the sun set on my own world, and you'll see the sun set here. Stars appear in the sky. We'll see the same thing, and nothing is the same. I'll look for Eldirao, but I don't think it will be there." She turned and spoke to Clark from her heart for the first and last time. "Clark, oh, Clark, I will love you till Eldirao shines in my night sky forever. Please find happiness here." She looked up at him, wiped tears from his eyes. "It would comfort me to think you are happy."

"I'll keep the memories of you for happiness, dearest," Clark said. "Think of me when you see the first star at night, for I will be thinking of you." He kissed her.


Early the next morning, they woke to a sky dark and cloudy. Vicious purple and yellow lightning flashed in the distance, heading for Metropolis, with thunder following close after. They ate breakfast, Clark caught Bootsie and put him in his crate, and got Lexy's backpack. She was wearing one of the sundresses she'd bought in Smallville. She locked the door behind him and gave him the keys. They left for STAR Labs.

They walked into the building and saw Larry leaning over the railing on the second floor of the open lobby waving. The Kents and Larry were there to see her off. Barry came out and escorted them to a waiting area by the lab with the equipment that would send her back to Earth1.

Lexy spent most of the day waiting with Clark, the Kents, and Larry for the Maelstrom to center over Metropolis and open the breach to her world. The day passed slowly. Lexy didn't dare leave the Lab and miss the breach. She picked at her dinner, and finally pushed it away. Her beeper sounded, and she read the message.

"Barry and Emil want me."

"We're going to try in about 30 minutes," Lexy," Barry said, as he checked a screen in the transport facilities. "We estimate about 99.9999 chance of success in returning you home. No chance of you ending up somewhere else. I'll be back in ten minutes. He hurried out and they saw him and Emil looking at computer screens in a viewing room.

"Suppose that chance of you can't get home comes up," Larry said. "Would you be OK staying here?"

Lexy smiled, hiding her misery. "I like it here. Earth almost seems like it was always my home. I have to try my best to get back there.

"Your niece," said Larry.

"Sadie. And my family." It was too good to last that I found Clark here and we could be together. He may be relieved I'll be gone forever and his secrets are safe. I'm going to miss you all and remember you."

Barry poked his head in. "We're ready for you, Lexy." He held the door as she entered the transport room, turning to look at the Kents and Larry. She smiled and waved. She looked at Clark, and her face softened. My dearest," her lips formed the words silently.

Beloved, the word soundless on his lips. The door shut. A minute later, they saw Lexy talking to Barry by the transport gate.

In the silence, Martha said, "Clark, we, Jonathan and I want to let you know something."


"Have you thought of going with Lexy? To Earth1?"

"A million times. Why do you bring that up? Clark shrugged, his eyes on Lexy.

"We've seen you two together. We've never seen you so contented, so at peace. Lana was a good friend, but your relationship stayed friend. Those other girls you dated. Nothing there. Lois is a Superman groupie. Lexy has touched some part of you that has been dormant. Nothing on this Earth filled that need. Barry says you can live on Earth1 as a normal man, not Superman."

"If you want to go, now is the time, son," said Jonathan, "is what we mean."

"I'm Superman. Earth needs me."

"Earth got along before you. We've got Supergirl and the League. Someone will take your place," Jonathan said. Larry nodded. "You've nearly died several times and been lost, and we're still here. We'll miss you, son, but your Ma and I feel you deserve to go with Lexy, if that's what you both want."

Larry said, "Maybe someone can come from Kandor to take your place."

Clark stared from Ma to Pa to Larry, trying to understand if they meant what he heard. "Go?" Could a life with Lexy be possible?

"We'll take care of things here. You think she'll have you?"

"I'll ask her." Clark got to his feet. Martha handed him a small box. She kissed him goodbye. Clark hugged her and hurried to the lab door. He tapped on the window. Barry admitted him. The Kents could see them talking. Lexy took his face in her hands and kissed him. They entered the transport chamber holding hands.

Barry gave them a thumbs up. Lightning from a Maelstrom squall flashed in the windows and a second later thunder boomed. When the sound faded Lexy and Clark were gone.


Thunder faded and rain splatted against Lexy and Clark as they stood by the Pond in Central Park. A whiff of ozone faded away. Lexy handed Clark the umbrella. He opened it as she put her poncho on. Scattered rain clouds blew across New York City as the storm faded away. Clark looked around at a city like and unlike Metropolis. A hotel called the Plaza stood in place of the Park Hotel where he and Lexy danced at Jimmy's wedding. There was no Daily Planet Globe atop a building. They were in New York City. He kissed Lexy in the rain. "Welcome home. Where to now?"

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