Larry's Story

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The teenage boy watched them, hopeful and worried. Barry watched Clark, who was speechless. Lexy looked from Larry to Clark, noticing the resemblance. If Larry, or Jem, had dark hair instead of blond, the resemblance would be stronger. Clark looked shocked, then happy. He grabbed Larry's hand and released it. He muttered something and left.

Barry watched him leave. "Maybe I should go after him?"

"I'll go," said Lexy. "If we need you, I'll call." She hurried after Clark and found him pacing the hall by the elevators. He stood still when he saw her. With a half-smile on his face, he held out his hand. She took it. He pressed it against his chest.

"Clark, how are you feeling?"

He put his finger to his lips and nodded to his office where they could see Barry talking to Larry through the window. "Let's go to another room."

He shut the door in a small windowless office. "This room is soundproofed. Larry can't hear us. He's started to develop his superpowers, including hearing." Clark held a chair for Lexy, then sat next to her. "I don't know what to say. I have a brother, and my parents are alive on another world."

"True, but Larry doesn't know how to get back there, yet."

Clark looked at her, smiling. "I know. I'm happy. My parents are alive, and I have a brother. Wow. He can't know Superman is Clark." He sighed. "I'll probably have to send him to Kandor. Returning him to New Barzon may be impossible. No wonder he was so worried about Superman finding out who he was. He may think I—Superman would be furious to know Lara and Jor-el didn't try to come to Earth to get me. Him. " He jumped up, knocking his chair over, and started pacing again. "Maybe I am upset, but this is good news and removes any jealousy or whatever about that." He stood still. "I have a brother. Who can't know who I am. I'll have to send him away." Clark sat down, crossed his arms on the table, and laid his head on them. He mumbled, "Sometimes you just can't win."

Lexy laid her hand gently on his back. "I'm sorry, Clark." He straightened up and smiled wistfully at her.

"It's OK. He'll be safe." He fell silent. "I have Ma and Pa Kent. Good friends like Barry and Jimmy and Lana and Ross. I'll try to get to know Larry while he's here. Maybe one day we can meet in better circumstances. With our parents."

Lexy squeezed his hand between hers. He had to give up Jor-el and Lara for Larry's sake. Clark had such courage. Tears came to her eyes. I love you, Clark, or Kal, or Superman, whatever you call yourself. You might find that amusing or think of me as just another fangirl. I'll never let you know. I have to leave, too, my dearest.

"Let's go back and see what Clark can do for Kal-El's baby brother," said Clark.


Clark and Lexy walked into his office and found Larry nodding along to what Barry was saying. Barry said, "Oh, hi, Clark. We've talked about his options. We can't send him back to New Barzon. I suggested he stay with me in Central City when I return in September. He thinks that might work well. In the meantime, he's coming to the Lab with me tonight. Would you be willing to watch out for him if he keeps his job at the Planet?"

Larry looked at Clark, hope in his eyes.

"Of course, I will. Larry, I'll help you all I can."

"Mr. Kent, you know Superman well. He needs to know I'm from Krypton, but I'm worried what he'll think about having a kid brother. Or do about it." Larry's face sagged. "He's called the last son of Kryton. But he isn't now, is he? I am. So he's the next to last son or Krypton. I just don't know."

Clark mouth opened and shut several times, as he was derailed by Larry's train of thought. He said, "Superman won't care abouth at. He may take your story better than you think. Barry, I'll be in touch. Do you want us to tell Kal-el or do you want to be there?"

"Maybe you should tell him, if you think the timing is right. Then, if he wants, we can talk."

"Sounds like a plan."

"That's enough for one night," said Barry. "Let's go, Larry. Tomorrow, we can get you fixed up."


Clark took Lois home on the subway. They got off near the Lab, because she wanted to buy some supplies at a bodega. They walked the quiet night streets of Metropolis slowly. Lexy didn't want the night to end, and Clark didn't seem in any hurry. He was silent, thinking.

"Are you going to introduce Superman to Larry soon, Clark?"

"I want to. I need to. I'm thinking about a good place for him, good people to care for him. I can't do it, full-time."

Lexy took a deep breath and said what she was thinking. "The Kents would be good, if they're interested and willing."

Clark looked at her, smiling. "The Kents are the best people I know to raise a lost boy from Krypton, and Smallville is still a small town where he'll be safe as he can be. I'll fly out to see them. I can't imagine Ma and Pa refusing."

She said what she had been dreading to say, "Then it might be better if I stay here. Larry will need a lot of their time."

Clark shook his head. "They're expecting you. Mom asks about you every time I call or go see them. She wants to know how soon you can come. Dad just agrees with her. I'll take that up with them. It's a big farmhouse, lots of room. If you think you'd be comfortable with Larry there." He waited for her answer.

"That's not a problem for me. I'm leaving in August, anyway."

Clark looked down at her, and she smiled crookedly at him. He looked from her eyes to her lips, and impulsively for him, bent and kissed her. She kissed him back and he put his arms around her.

After a moment, she moved away. "I'd better get home, Clark. We've got a lot to do in the next few days." They walked hand-in-hand to the Lab and over to the elevator bank. Clark pushed the up button on the elevator. The doors slid open.

"Good night, Clark. I'll see you tomorrow." He bent to kiss her again, but she shook her head and moved away. "Not good for either of us to get carried away." She touched his cheek and he pressed it against her soft hand. Her fingers were cold, and he held his over hers, warming them. "Good night," Lexy said, backing into the elevator. Dearest. The doors slid shut.

Clark watched the elevator numbers increase till the elevator stopped on Lexy's floor. He hurried out, for he had to patrol Metropolis that night.

Lexy got ready for bed quickly. She sat by the window listening to the news, but watching the sky. Her heart beat faster when she saw a caped figure flying in the distance. Superman dropped below the skyline. A news break informed her Superman had just arrived at a building fire and was helping rescue the tenants. She watched the sky for a long time, but didn't see Superman again.

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