Dance With Me

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Smallville Town Hall was packed when the Kents, Lexy, and Larry walked in. Lana stood up and waved them over. They sat with her, her husband, Pete, their triplets, and Darrin Ross. The band, the 'Kansas Astras,' formed from locals in age from high school to retired, began a new song, Darrin asked Lexy to dance. She danced with him several times. He was very interested in her, but she thought him superficial. Some people were fascinated by her otherworld origin, and she thought Darrin was one of them.

He asked many questions about her home world, and she answered them while his eyes kept drifting to younger women. When Pete asked her to dance, Darrin asked a girl from the local technical college. He danced with the young woman and her friends the rest of the night. Lexy joined in some of the line dances, and danced with a few men Lana knew.

When the dance was over, Jon drove home through the silent, starlit night, past quiet farmhouses with a light or two on, and fields of wheat ripening. Jon parked the car by the farmhouse. Larry had dozed off, head resting on Lexy's shoulder. She woke him up and they went into the farmhouse.

"I li-ike it here, Smallville," Larry told her through a yawn, as Jonathan unlocked the door. "New Barzon is a large city, and, well, run by Kryptonian science. I like it here, though, the open spaces. The Kents would be like my grandparents if I had them."

"They're so warm," Lexy said. "I'm happy I decided to stay here until the end of July." Larry yawned, a big one. "We've got to get up early tomorrow, so let's get some sleep. Good night, Larry."

"Good night, Lexy."


Clark arrived early on June 30, and spent the day helping his father and Larry on the farm. After dinner he sat with Lexy and Larry on the porch, watching the sunset. "Did you go to the dance, Lexy? Did you enjoy yourself?

"I had a good time. Pete and Lana are great. The next dance is July 2. You're coming with us, aren't you?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Larry, how'd you like the dance?"

"Loved it. I danced with Lana's daughters and a couple of other girls. Also lots of line dancing. We don't do that on New Barzon."

"Kryptonian dancing is different. I haven't seen Darrin in a while. Is he still in Smallville?" Clark waited for the answer.

"He went back to Minneapolis," said Lexy. Clark managed to breathe normally and smiled slowly.

"Yeah, he danced with Lexy and Lana for a while, but when some college girls came in, he danced with them," said Larry. 

"Darrin has always been a ladies' man," said Clark, relieved Darrin found new playmates. "We'll have a good time this Saturday." They chatted until stars appeared before going in the house.

The Rosses, minus Darrin, and some old friends came to celebrate Clark's 32nd birthday at the farm. Clark and Pete cooked with fire, hamburgers, sausages, and chicken breasts on the grill, while Martha, Lana, and Lexy fixed sides and drinks. The crowd left around sunset, and the Kents cleaned up, helped by Lexy and Larry.

Everyone but Lexy went to bed afterwards, but she sat in the kitchen, drinking tea and filling out more forms Barry had sent her. She was almost done when Clark came in quietly. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She knew he could push the sleeves of his Superman uniform up to wear short-sleeves. He smiled, and said, "Sending a report to Barry?"

She nodded. "Are you going somewhere, Clark?"

He nodded. "To Metropolis. I have to patrol. Fortunately, I don't need much sleep. I'll be back before dawn. Hopefully nobody but Ma and Pa will be up. Larry can't find out my secret. He'll be going to Kandor before school starts here, so that problem will be solved."

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