Home to Smallville

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The next afternoon Larry sat in a meeting room at the Labs. He was so nervous he couldn't eat or drink any of the snacks or coffee Barry put out. Barry watched the boy. "Superman knows who you are and wants to meet you very much. Try to relax. He's not an ogre."

"I wish Mr. Kent were here. He's smart, and he helps people.

"That he does," said Barry. "He has found a place for you, if you like it, and will see you tonight at the Planet."

Larry twitched and stared through window in the door. Barry turned to see a man in a blue suit, red cape, yellow "S" shield standing there, eyes on Jem. Barry waved him in. Superman shut the door behind him quietly.

"Hello. You're Jem-El. I'm Kal, your brother. He held out his hand and the boy walked slowly over to him, wary and observing every emotion crossing the big man's face. Jem took Kal's hand and shook it, eyes never leaving Kal's face.

Kal took a deep breath. "My brother," he whispered, and hugged the boy. Jem hugged him back. They broke apart and sat at the table. "Tell me how my—our parents are doing. Now I know why you hid when I visited the Planet. You were afraid I'd be angry for some reason, or just send you back to the Zone. No, Jem. I should call you Larry."

"Mom and Dad are fine. They talk about you all the time. When they were in the Zone, they could watch you sometimes. Then they got the chance to go to Barzon and settled in New Barzon and did, so I could be born. It's got a red sun, and lots of different types of aliens. Barzon is so cool. I miss home but I'm—"

Barry closed the door behind him and went to his office. Those two had a lot to talk about.


"Mr. Kent, thanks for all your help. Kal is like I've known him all my life." Larry finished another slice of the pizza Clark had gotten. How long have you known him?"

"Years," said Clark. He couldn't trust his brother with his secrets yet. Maybe never. "I found a temporary home for you. My parents, Martha and Jonathan, have offered to take you until we can move you to Kandor. Barry tells me that it's impossible to get you back to New Barzon through the Phantom Zone."

"That's what Dad says." Larry looked at Clark, not eating his current slice for a moment. "He knew this was coming, and he warned me what would happen if someone got sucked into the Zone. Dad was trying to access the Maelstrom last August to get us out, but it didn't work. Only I got trapped in the Zone. Fortunately, I got out and ended up on Earth. I met my brother, Kal." He bit off a chunk of pizza and chewed. "You said the Kents? In Smallville? I wonder what Kal would think of that? If he likes it, I'll go. He said he'd visit me regularly wherever I stayed."

"He knows them and likes them very well," said Clark, trying to keep up with the eager, talkative boy. "You know Barry said you must keep your Kryptonian heritage a secret. The Kents will know, but they've kept many secrets over the years."

"Lexy is going to be there, too. I like her. Do you like her, Mr. Kent?"

I.." Love her. Clark swallowed the words. "Like her very much, Larry. She'll be able to return to her Earth in August.

"If I can't get to Kandor, what will happen if I stay on Earth?"

"We'll take that one day at a time. Let me show you some pictures of Smallville."


Two days later, Lexy and Larry deplaned in Dodge City, KS. Martha and Jonathan waited for them at arrivals. Larry was shy as Lexy introduced him to the Kents. Martha hugged him, and the teenager began to relax.

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