Big City Wedding

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Clark watched Larry as he raced around the farmyard in a blur. Larry ran to Clark and stopped. "I can outrun Pa's car easily. I can fly, sort of, about 40 feet, from a running start." He leaned forward. "Once I jumped over the barn. I'm pretty tough. I broke a brick in half with my hands."

"Great, Larry, just great. You're beginning to develop your super abilities. I'll give you some of the exercises that helped me learn to control them. And some advice on how to keep your secret. Our secret."

Larry looked away. "There's something I wanted to ask you about." He hesitated. Clark waited. "My sight is getting really...I can see through things sometimes, and I don't know how to handle it." Clark knew what he was worried about, but waited patiently.

"I mean, sometimes I look at people and I can see through their clothes. And their bodies. It's awkward. I don't want to, you know, ogle girls, or like that, but I don't know how to control my sight. Hearing's ok, for some reason. I can turn it on or off as I please.

"It was the same with me. Come to my room, and I'll give you something to help."

They walked into the house and up to Clark's room. He opened a drawer in his desk and took out a pair of plain glasses and a pair of sunglasses. He handed them to Larry. "These have lead in the lenses. They'll control your vision until you learn to control it. It just takes practice."

Larry tried the glasses on. "Wow! They really work. Thanks, Clark. Is that why you wore glasses?"

"One of the reasons. It shouldn't take you long to learn how to control your vision. I'll give you some exercises that helped me."


Clark and Lexy went to dinner at Pete Ross's diner in Smallville that night. "Our first date," Clark said. Pete came over to talk to them, and they invited him to sit down.

"Just for a minute," he said. "Business is pretty good, and I'm going to work out a new menu. I wish I could think of something easy and popular that's not everywhere. The bakery next door has been empty two years. I rent the patio in front and put tables there in the summer. Popular with tourists and regular customers."

Lexy said, "Do you know what I haven't seen in Metropolis, or on this world, that's big business in my world?"

"What?" Pete asked.

"Coffee shops."

"I already sell coffee. Lots of it."

Lexy shook her head. "I mean premium coffee. Espresso, macchiato, premium brews, freshly ground and fixed to order for customers. Also teas, and blended flavored drinks. Maybe not everything here in the diner, but if you tried some special coffees, they might catch on. Also small snacks and meals that go with the drinks.

"Espresso? Macchiato." Pete looked thoughtful. "When Lana and I went to Europe, we stopped in coffee shops a lot. I'll think it over. Good idea. Thanks, Lexy. How are you two doing? Clark, will you be here for the Saturday dance?

"No, I'm going back to Metropolis in the morning. Lexy and I are just enjoying some down time."

"I've got to get back to the kitchen," Pete said. "Lexy, I hope everything goes well with you."

"Call me if you want any suggestions about coffee shops."

He went through the swinging doors into the kitchen.

"Want to take a walk?" Clark asked. Lexy nodded and they paid.

They walked past the Town Hall, and the Smallville High School, arriving at a small park. They walked past a church and back to the truck. Clark drove out of town and headed to the farm. "Tonight's our last night together here. I won't be able to come back out before Jimmy and Lucy's wedding. Too much going on with the League."

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