Chapter 1

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Chapter  1
Third POV
    Three boys hobbled into the hospital. They were wet, cold, and tired. It was pouring rain and storming outside. The wind was brushing the trees and bushes against the windows of the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. One boy had dark hair with freckles covering his face, another boy was tall, skinny, and had blonde hair. The last boy was Korean, with dark hair and a strong body.  They had made it to a town called Beacon Hills. They saw a lady with dark brown curly hair that looked like she had experience dealing with teens. They walked up to her. She smiled a little when she first noticed them; then fully saw their conditions and waved them over. She led them to a room that had three beds one for each boy. 

    Thomas stepped forward, with Newt and Minho. She waved the three over. Ya, there were only three. None of the others ones wanted to leave the safe haven, and two, they were invaded about an hour after the, and three, left to find their families. The Nurse led the three to a room and began checking their vitals. All of their friends were gone. They knew about the WCKD strike because they saw it fly overhead; they could hear the screams of their friends in the distance. They heard a boom one they knew meant everyone was gone. Upon arriving at the safe haven everyone agreed if they were about to be overrun they would blow up the island. 

The woman got their attention as the three stared off into space remembering their fallen friends. She introduced herself as Melissa McCall. Newt and Thomas both felt like they had heard that name before but couldn't remember where. Melissa started with Minho getting the basic information then continued the process with the other two. When she got to Thomas she seemed shocked. She paused for a moment studying his face then continued with her work. She mumbled something about how it looked just like him but was too old to be him. There was a shout in the hallway something about being evacuated. Melissa took charge and started giving everyone directions.

    She came back into the room where the gladers sat. 

    "Do you guys mind waiting a few minutes I'll make sure you're out of here but seeing as you aren't that hurt and I need to get my high-risk patients out?" Melissa explained watching them for a reaction. Surprisingly all three boys were calm. 

    "We don't mind waiting," Newt answered, smiling at her. More shouts and other things were heard and then the lights went out. The three got up to investigate. They made their way into the hallway. The lights flickered a little but otherwise, it was almost completely dark. They heard screaming just down the hall a little. The wind from the storm had picked up and was howling outside the windows. Thomas led Newt and Minho as they walked towards the sound. There was a large man there walking quickly. A little further down the hallway, there were two teens and two adults carrying a third unconscious body. 

    The man walks after them quickly. The sound of wood breaking echoes through the hall as they cautiously follow. Newt, Minho, and Thomas made it to where the group was. They see a  broken-bat on the ground and the flapping of a flannel shirt as the boy runs away. The man turned to the three as they tried to retreat. The man had no shirt on and was double the height of the three teens. His face was almost like it had been stitched together. A voice over the intercom stopped him. The man turned and resumed walking down the hallway and saw him going away from the gladers. The gladers decided they should run before he changed his mind and came after them again. The large man began to walk away when he was a good distance away he split into two people. Both people continued walking down the hall like they were patrolling it.   

    "What the shuck was that," Minho said, watching the two walk away. Then the voice started again.

    "Scott McCall," The voice said, "come with me and your mother remains unharmed. We can help you, if you help you, we can help you save your friend Stiles' father," The voice continued. Thomas stiffened at the last name mentioned. There was no way that could be... 

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