Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Third POV
Derek's car pulled up to the loft. They got out walking inside. Opening the door to the loft everyone was silent. Isaac and Peter stood inside with a knocked-out Cora on the bed. Isaac watched as the door opened. He smelled someone, someone who shouldn't be there yet he walked through the door. He was tall, and skinny, with blond hair that was somewhat long.
Isaac watched the boy's every move. The boy felt someone's eyes on him so he turned away from his friends. Isaac smiled as he saw the face of his younger brother who had disappeared 9 years ago. Newt studied Isaac. Isaac ran at his brother sending them both to the floor. They laughed as they smiled at each other. 

Derek rolled his eyes at his beta. He pulled Isaac up as Thomas and Minho helped Newt up.
Peter stepped forward talking as he did "Enough of the reunions we have a big problem here" Allison and Argent walked through the door then. Argent was on the phone. "Melissa has been taken," He said solemnly. Stiles had more tears in his eyes first he lost his father and now his mother figure. Thomas comforted his brother. 

"I have a plan but I'm doing it on my own," Argent said. Allison disagreed, fighting him saying he would need back up. Argent reluctantly agreed to take Isaac and Allison with him. Stiles was told he would show Thomas Minho and Newt around the school.

The next day came around Isaac, Argent, and Allison made their way to the bank where they found Boyd. Allison was trying to get her dad to tell her the plan but he kept refusing. Once they were in the vault and before either teen would react Argent shocked Isaac with his baton and handcuffed Allison to the wall. 

"What dad, no stop" Allison cried. 

Argent pulled an emitter from his pocket, within seconds Jenifer Blake was walking through the door. 

"Now this is a sacrifice" She smirked. She took her third sacrifice with her leaving a crying Allison stuck to the wall and a groaning Isaac on the floor as he recovered. 

Stiles was walking with Lydia and the gladers. They were talking about what was going on when Stiles' phone went off. His hands started shaking and his breathing picked up. He shoved the phone back in his pocket. Lydia was trying to get his attention. 

"Stiles what's wrong," Thomas asked.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket again shoving it towards Thomas. Thomas fumbled the phone a little as he wasn't ready for the action from his brother. Once he recovered he turned on the phone which had a single text. The text was from Isaac. There was only one sentence but that one sentence was enough to send Stiles into a panic. Newt and Minho looked over Thomas's shoulder reading the text at the same time as him.

Argent's been taken she has all three

"Stiles," Lydia said, taking his hands. 

"I think I'm having a panic attack," He whispered. Lydia pulled him forwards a little wrapping her arm around his waist. She walked him into the locker room trying to calm him down. The door slammed open as the two walked through. Lydia stripped his bag off him leading him over to the benches. Before even making it there Stiles started to collapse he caught himself on the lockers slowly lowering himself down. Newt and Thomas followed them as Minho watched the door trying to keep people out. 

"Stiles, look at me, think of something," Lydia said.

"Like what" he wheezed out. 

"Happy things, friends, family" Lydia realized her mistake once she said it.

Thomas and Newt gave her a look. Thomas threw his arms in the arm and brought them back down.

"Oh I mean not family," She said. Starting to panic a little. 

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