Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Derek was in his loft a chess board lying open while he set up the pieces. He was trying to figure out Nogitsune's next move. He had shown them his last move from a chess board so maybe it would help them this time.
Peter walked in watching his nephew study the board. He also noticed the open wound on his back that should have held by now.
"Shouldn't that have healed by now" Peter asked tapping the wound making Derek hiss a little.

"It's from the sword it's gonna take awhile for it to heal" Derek justified.

Peter shrugged. "You know chess is Stiles's game not the nogitsune" Peter said before leaving his nephew alone.

Neither man noticed the fly buzzing around the room. After Peter left the fly went towards Derek land just to the side of where Derek's injury was. Without hesitation the fly plunged itself into the wound Derek rolled his shoulder feeling pain but just figuring his injury was healing.

Allison had just left Isaac's room going to take a walk to clear her head and then head home. Isaac laid in the bed still unconscious. The side of his face slowly started to look better but it was going at the human rate of healing. Another fly buzzed around the room. With Allison gone there was no one to notice it. The little bug that was annoying but this one was different.

The fly flew towards Isaac landing on his arm near the IV. Isaac being unconscious couldn't wave it away. The fly crawled up his arm stopping at the IV entrance. Slipping under the needle the fly entered Isaac. Isaac sat up suddenly with a roar as his eyes flashed their usual beta yellow. then he was up and moving. He took off out of the apartment and followed after Allison. He made it to her apartment first where he waited on the bed for her.

"Isaac," Allison said, noticing him on her bed. She stepped forwards sitting down next to him. He looked over at her. She watched him as he leaned forward kissing her. She smiled at him being here and okay.

"Isaac, does your brother know you're here?" She asked.

Isaac shook his head. He didn't tell anybody that he was out of the hospital. Allison nodded going to get her phone but Isaac stopped her. He pulled her back onto the bed laying down with her.

The next morning Aiden was in the passenger seat of Lydia's car. Lydia took a turn but he was confused as she had just taken them around a block.

'Lydia" he spoke up "You just took four rights w went in a circle"

"I did" She questioned. :I was just following the GPS"

"Lydia the GPS isn't on" He said. She looked down noticing he was right.

She had a feeling this was where they needed to go. It was freaking her out.

"I need to pull over," She said. Aiden nodded.
Suddenly Lydia jerked the car sending it flying towards the sidewalk Aiden and Lydia screamed as the car ended up in a parking lot. Lydia screeched the car to a stop when they noticed something lying in the middle of the parking lot. Stiles was passed out on the ground a cut to his stomach and looked even paler than they had seen before. The two worked together to pick up the boy getting him in the car, calling Scott, and driving to the McCall house. Aiden hadn't noticed but once again a fly was going to enter a person. This one had chosen the former alpha as its target.

It landed on the side of Aiden's head going into his ear. Aiden shook his head a little but continued helping Lydia with Stiles.
Once they arrived at the McCall house Scott ran out to help them with his friend. Aidne and Scott dragged Stiles between them as Deaton and Melissa arrived. They went to place Stiles on the couch and let Deaton examine him. As Aiden went to walk away Stiles woke up. He grabbed Aiden by the throat, choking him.

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