Chapter 10

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The next morning everyone met at school. Scott pulled in on his bike like he did every day. This time though, two bikes followed him all the way to school. When he put down his kickstand the two bikes parked beside him. 

Lifting up their helmets revealed the twins were the ones who followed him. Scott sighed. "You guys know I'm an alpha right" 

"Okay, but these things are demonic ninjas who have swords coming out of their chests" Aiden argued. 

"Ya but they only come out at night so I got nothing to worry about right now" Scott said beginning his walk inside the school. Ethan and Aiden followed him. 

"Ya but just to be safe we're not letting you out of our sight" Ethan said, smirking. 

"Fine but first I have to talk to Kira and no wolf powers, so no listening in" Scott said slamming his locker closed. 

"How do you know if we did listen in?" Aiden countered. 

"I'm a true alpha. You have no idea what I can do," Scott said walking down the hallway. Before he could make it to Kira he heard Stiles talking to Thomas, Newt, and Minho. 

"Look I don't know how but something is happening to me" Stiles said causing Scott to stop and go up to his best friend. 

Scott put his hand on his friend's shoulder causing the boy to jump. Thomas smirked at his brother's reaction causing Newt to slap him upside the head. 

"What's going on?" Scott asked. 

Stiles shook his head, grabbing Scott's arm and dragging him towards the chemistry classroom. He was talking in a rushed voice panicking a little but. 

"Okay you remember that key I told you about well I figured out what it went to and who wrote that message to kill Kira" 

Thomas, Newt, and Minho followed the pair of friends into the classroom.
Stiles stopped in front of the closet flipping quickly through his keys trying to find the one that fit in the closet handle. His hands shaking more as none of the keys worked. Thomas sighed grabbing the keys from Stiles. Newt walked over to Stiles with Minho placing a hand on his shoulder. 

    "It's gone, okay nevermind that look at this" He turned walking towards the board freezing when he saw that it was clean and nothing was there. 

"I don't get it, The message was right here and it was in my handwriting and I had the key to the closet on my key ring" He said running a hand through his hair. "I showed you the key right" The boy turned to Scott. 

Scott shook his head "No, No you just told me about it" Stiles turned quickly looking at his brother and the other gladers. They all shook their heads. 

Stiles could feel his breathing pick up. The four made eye contact with each other. Newt stepped forwards placing a hand on the small of Stiles's back. 

"Hey are you sure you're okay," He asked. Stiles nodded. 

"Ya, I'm just really tired," He answered. Thomas nodded stepping forwards he grabbed his brother's elbow gently leading him towards the door. 

"Okay then let's get you home so you can sleep. Give me the keys you aren't driving" Thomas said acting like an older brother. Stiles sighed again rolling his eyes before nodding pulling the keys out of his pocket and setting them in his brother's hand. 

Scott watched the trio leave as Minho stayed behind. 

"Aren't you gonna go with them?" Scott asked. 

Minho nodded before responding "In a minute, I was a runner I'll catch up. Look before those things disappeared last night they looked at you and Kira I just wanna make sure you'll try to protect my sister" He asked. 

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