Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
The figures made their way into the room moving towards the group as Rafael laid on the floor and Scott and Melissa dragged him away. Minho ran into the house as soon as he did the figures turned to him drawing their swords. 

"No way am I dying like this not after everything else," Minho said, as he threw a punch at the figure. The figure dodged but Minho caught its sword by the handle. He managed to free the swords from the grasp of the figure and spin it so the sword was pointing at them. Kira smiled as she watched her brother.

He battled using the sword he was on the defense meaning all he had to do at that point was block. The problem with that was eventually Minho would get tired and sloppy while more than one opponent tried to attack him. 

The figures performed a move that Minho couldn't defend against. One figure got his blade locked underneath Minho's twisting his arm at the wrist making the sword fly from Minho's hand. Kira shrieked as she saw another figure raise its sword. Scott got ready to enter the fight.
Windows shattered two figures flipped in landing perfectly on the kitchen table, Ethan and Aiden. The door was kicked open Derek rolled in, clawing one of the figures before it could react.
Scott watched shocked as Kira ran over to Minho who had been pushed to the floor when the figures focused on the intruders. The twins and Derek managed to push all of the figures out of the house. 

Melissa sprung into action grabbing a glass jar off the table in the hallway and running towards the door. She threw the jar down the glass shattering but the mountain ash inside arranged itself into a line. A barrier formed around the house, keeping the figures out. Kira reached out to touch the blue barrier but it solidified against her hand keeping her inside. Nobody seemed to notice the action. 

Melissa went back over to her ex-husband keeping a towel against the point of entry from the sword. Her hands and scrubs were covered in blood. She had just finished telling Scott what her thoughts were and how serious the injury was when she asked the question Scott had been thinking about for a while now. 

"Should we call the sheriff?" She asked. 

"Wouldn't that just get more people killed?" Scott said, sighing. He really wanted the help but didn't want anyone getting hurt. Melissa nodded, putting more pressure on the wound knowing he had to make it until morning when they could get out of there and get him help. 

Scott turned back towards where Kira, Minho, and the twins were standing. They were watching the figures who were standing outside the door. Derek was behind them checking to make sure nothing could get in.

"So what are you?" Aiden asked, looking at Kira suspiciously. 

"What?" Kira asked, confused.  

Aiden sighed, grabbing Kira's hand by the wrist and lifting it towards the barrier. 

"Aiden," Ethan warned. 

Aiden shrugged "What just watch" He pulled her hand up touching the barrier. The whole group watched it solidify and her hand bounce off it. 

"You can't pass through the barrier so what are you?" He asked again. Kira's mouth gaped as Minho opened his mouth to defend her Derek spoke up. 

"She's a kitsune idiot"Derek looked at Kira and then shifted his gaze to Minho "and so is he"
Ethan and Aiden gave Derek shocked looks. Scott came over to them hearing the conversation. He stood by Derek listening. 

"Use your eyes Kitsunes give off an aura usually it can be suppressed but the young ones have a harder time. I bet they don't even know what type they are" Derek shrugged like it was nothing.
The figures lifted their swords and began hacking at the barrier. Small cuts were made but they closed up. Each cut made the barrier repair itself slower and slower. Soon the figures would make it through the mountain ash. 

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