Chapter 7

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Kira was sitting in the library, her music blasting in her ears as she read a book. Barrow the escapee watched her through the shelf. He was going to make his move when Coach walked into the room telling Kira to get out of there.

"How loud do you play this thing geez" Coach said following the girl out the door.

Barrow stood behind the shelf next to where Kira was sitting. He was panting and covered in sweat. He had a crazed look in his eyes. He had missed his opportunity to get the ones with glowing eyes but he would attempt again.

Kira was at home trying to reconnect with her brother but she was finding it hard as he had become really closed off. Minho sat there awkwardly. He was really trying but he didn't let people in easily. 

Kira sighed, laying back to look at the ceiling "So" She said. 

Minho looked over at her with his eyebrow quirked. "So" He mimicked earning a grin from his sister. They grinned at each other for a while before their dad called them downstairs.
"Get dressed up a little for dinner. We have a guest coming," Ken said. 

Kira gave him a confused look. Then the doorbell rang. Ken walked to the door opening it and greeting the young boy standing outside. Kira screeched running back towards her room when she realized who the guest was. 

"Hey, Scott" Minho smirk giving a small wave then walking with Scott into the dining room where Noshiko was sitting.

Thomas and Newt were in the Stilinski household. They were sitting on the couch waiting for Monho to come over later that night. The two sat close together, legs brushed every so often but neither saying a word or taking their attention from the movie they were watching. 

"Newt," Thomas said as the credits rolled. Newt looked up at him as he was standing to clean up some of the mess they had made. Thomas stood as well helping him. 

"Yes, Tommy," Newt said a little sarcastically. 

"I don't know how to word this, '' Thomas  said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Newt smiled watching the boy. "Okay well... I- umm I've liked you for a while now and-" Newt cut Thomas off pressing their lips together. 

The pair relaxed in each other's arms. They had wanted this for a long time but could never tell the other how they felt for fear of rejection.

"I felt the same way," Newt said. Thomas pulled Newt onto the couch but this time it wasn't awkward. They were pressed together but both seemed to enjoy being so close to the other. Their hands brush each other softly before their finger intertwined.

Lydia and Stiles were talking that night. They had decided to go look around and figure out what went wrong at the school earlier in the day.

They found blood on the floor surrounded by broken bottles of different disinfectant chemicals and a note on the board.

"That's why they couldn't find him, his scent was covered up by the chemicals," She said.
"And it looks like he did some type of operation on himself," Stiles said. 

Lydia studied the board closer. She wrote down the letters of each element that's atomic number was listed. When she was finished it spelled out the name 'Kira'. 

"We gotta go," Stiles said, grabbing Lydia's hand and running towards his jeep. 

Scott, Minho, and Kira were in Kira's room. Dinner had not gone as well as the Yukimura's had hoped. Kira ordered Pizza and got three sodas from the fridge. They sat in her room for a while until Minho decided he wanted to go for a run. 

When Minho was leaving for his run Kira and Scott stood near his bike. They were saying goodbye to each other when Scott quickly and awkwardly leaned in closer to her. Before they could kiss however Barrow appeared in the shadows. He stood outside the light of the street lamp. He snuck up behind Scott, a wooden board in his hand. He whacked Scott with all his might making him crumple to the floor. Kira screamed but it was too late. Barrow had gotten her and he had already gotten the other fox so it was time to go to what he knew best. 

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