Chapter 19

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When  the nogitsune and Stiles were separated the flies lost control of their victims. Derek slumped forward in Argent's office he would have hit the floor if Argent wasn't there to catch him.

    Isaac and the twins were ready to kill each other at the school when the effect wore off.

    Deaton had gotten to the school where Kira and Allison were waiting while the boys coughed as they fly made its way up their throats. Deaton started with Aiden reaching inside his mouth with the shower running grabbing the fly and pulling it out of the wolf. He dropped the fly into the drain before repeating the process with the other two.

    "So here's two of them now," Allison clarified. Deaton nodded "And how do we know which is which' She asked.

    "That's what Scott and Thomas are doing right now. Kira you better get there before nightfall they asked for your mother's oni to help them" Deaton explained. Kira nodded running through the school and the streets going to Scott's.

    "How did he get away with Lydia" Allison questioned.

    "I'm sorry but most of us were focused on the body materializing out of the floor" Deatinanswered. Allison nodded as her and Isaac went back to the apartment looking to gear up and search for Lydia's car.

    Stiles Laid in bed as Melissa looked him over.She hesitated in grabbing his arm so he held it up for her. She smiled softly at him. He didn't say a word. Thomas and Scott were the only other people in the house. Newt and Minho had gone to tell the Sheriff of the new developments but they got side tracked talking to Aris and Frypan when they stopped at the Stilinski house. Melissa and Scott helped Sties back down the stairs and onto the couch telling him to get some sleep.

    Allison and Isaac took their car to go to the lot. They found Lydia's car fenced in. Isaac broke the chain following Allison inside. They talked but ended up not finding anything to tell them where Lydia was. Isaac called Newt to let him know what they found. Newt agreed to meet them back at the Argent's apartment. Allison left Newt and Isaac alone going down to the basement to work on her bow.

    Isaac and Newt hugged each other. This was the first time Newt hadn't really seen his brother up and about since the incident at the hospital.

    Newt felt like he had missed a lot since Isaac got out but he didn't say anything about it.    
Stiles was sleeping on the couch when he jolted awake. He stood up stumbling around the room, when Thomas and Scott ran in. Scott caught Stiles leading him back to the couch.

    Stiles grabbed the jacket from the back of the couch. He was shivering.

    "Sorry I can't seem to get warm, " Stiles said. Scott nodded. He reached for his best friend, touching his arm. Immediately black veins started to travel up Scott's arm.

    "You're in pain," Scott said, causing Thomas to snap his head up and look at his brother.
    "I'm fine," Siles said.

    "Like hell you are Stiles. We just wanna help you but we can't if you don't tell us" Thomas said.

    Stiles nodded sadly looking down at his feet.

    "Okay fine it's sort of everywhere" Stiles answered.

    The sun was still high in the sky and Melissa came in to let them know that Noshiko was here. They covered the windows in hope to make it dark enough to call for the Oni. Once darkness had spread through the room the Oni appeared. They marched forward towards Stiles. He stepped away from Scott and Thomas meeting the Oni.

    The Oni reached for the side of Stiles's just like it did everyone else. He didn't stop it this time giving everyone in the room hope it was actually him. The Oni's eyes flashed their lightning bug yellow. The Oni moved its hand away from the side of Siles's face a burning sound then Stiles dropped to the floor.

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