Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
(TW: Just like in the Echo house episode in the show this will have those parts not written in complete detail but enough to have a warning)

The Sheriff stopped the car with Siles in the passenger seat and Thomas in the back.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, looking at his youngest son.

Stiles nodded. "Ya I can't hurt anyone else."
Thomas sighed in the backseat he really didn't want to leave Stiles here. This was Eichen house. The place where crazy people went. His brother wasn't crazy, just possessed. Stiles didn't see it that way though.

Stiles opened the car door stepping out his father and older brother following. "Mischief please" Thomas pleaded. Stiles just shook his head. He knew his brother only called him mischief now if it was something he was really serious about.

'No Thomas, This has to be done. What if I hurt you next or Scott worse this time what would I do then I couldn't handle it" Stiles said turning and walking through the gate.
Thomas looked back down at his feet. Seconds later a hand was placed on his shoulder.

    "Maybe you should wait out here, it might be easier that way" The sheriff suggested. Thomas only nodded, pulling the car door open again and sitting down.

The Sheriff sighed watching his oldest son. Thomas pulled his phone out as he watched his brother and father enter Eichen. He called Newt and was close to tears as they talked.

Newt agreed he and Minho would meet at the Stilinski house that night,

The Sheriff and Stiles were let into an office. The Sheriff tried to think of a way to make this better but all he could think about was how his son didn't belong here.  Stiles emptied his pocket as soon as he was told and listened to whatever the lady told him to do. The Sheriff had never seen his son this compliant. It was unnerving to think his son was that broken that he went along with everything.

    The Sheriff tried to stop his son by bringing up the fact they had forgotten his pillow and he wouldn't be able to sleep. Stiles just told him it was fine and he would survive until tomorrow when his father could bring it. Then Stiles was led out of the room and down a hallway as the Sheriff was led to the front door. He stood there for a few minutes looking at the building. He wanted to go back in there and get his son out but he stopped himself. His son thought he needed this so he would just have to be supportive.

    Scott walked into the hospital with Kira at his side. The two had grown close together and were rarely seen without the other. They had gone to visit Isaac. Isaac hadn't healed much since he was electrocuted as he pushed Allison out of the way. Allison hadn't moved from the hospital waiting room since it happened.

    "Any news?" Scott asked, looking hopeful. The house had grown quite since Isaac had been in the hospital. Newt and Scott were the only two boys and Newt wasn't ever loud when he was there. Isaac and Scott on the other hand got into shouting matches at the TV while watching a sport or playing video games.

    "No nothing his werewolf healing isn't even working" Allison sighed. Scott nodded looking down and sitting next to his ex.

    Scott grabbed her hand hoping to comfort her. He squeezed her hand gently as she squeezed it back looking for someone to anchor her so she didn't go insane. Her mind was constantly replaying the moment Isaac had sacrificed himself for her. She couldn't believe he had done that for her after everything she had done to him. She had slashed him with her ring daggers and he still forgave her. He still liked her. Tears began to pour down her face for what felt like the millionth time. Scott just silently pulled her into a hug as Kira let the two have their moment. 

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