Chapter 9

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The party was in full swing. People were crowded inside, music was blasting through the speakers, and black lights were illuminating the sea of people. 

Stiles, Newt, Minho, Scott, and Kira all walked inside. Walking in Stiles was telling the group about the extra key he had found. Then they froze, noticing the sheer velocity of the party. Lydia was inside standing there watching all the people. Before anyone could react a girl came out of the crowd kissing Stiles on the cheek before disappearing back into the wave of bright colors. 

"Woah Stiles," Minho said, high-fiving the boy. Stiles looked stunned, left as proof of where the girl had kissed him was a glowing lipstick print. The group separated, Stiles going off on his own, Minho doing the same, Thomas and Newt walking away together, Scott and Kira remained by the doors. Kira looked uncomfortable and Scott wasn't really feeling like being in the huge crowd of people. They left out the door going up to the roof. 

Allison and Isaac decided to go to the party for two different reasons. Isaac wanted to find Scott and tell him about Isaac, but Allison was going to get her mind off it for the 24 hours like they had promised her dad. 

Thomas and Newt were on the dance floor. Both had smiles on their face as they danced. Neither one cared that they had some eyes watching them. The two were absorbed in each other. They hadn't had many chances to have time together with nothing to worry about and both were loving it. They did stupid dance moves and laughed as they bumped into other people in the crowd. 

"Let's go get a drink," Newt said, grabbing Thomas's hand and leading him over towards one of the coolers. Thomas followed along not caring where they were going. Newt grabbed out two bottles handing one to Thomas. Thomas accepted it leading Newt over to the window and outside the wall of windows on the balcony. 

Derek stood near his car. He had told the pack he was going to handle something not telling them what. In reality, he just wanted to go for a run through the woods for some time alone. He had run through the store on the way home picking up some candy as the night was Halloween. When he parked in front of his loft he noticed three kids coming up to him. 

The three were in costumes smiling and laughing. They came up to Derek holding out their open bags as they shouted trick or treat. Derek slowly reached into his car grabbing the bag of candy. His slow cautious movements put the kids on edge. Derke smirked a little knowing he hadn't lost his touch. Finally, he pulled out the bag causing the kids to smile. He threw some in each of their bags. The kids thanked him as he flashed his eyes causing the kids to scream and run down the street the way they had come.

Derek chuckled a little as he watched them run away. Then he tensed sensing something shift in the air. He heard this weird ringing as figures all in black walked down the street in sync. The figures surrounded the wolf. One moved to reach its hand out towards Derek's head. The figure's eyes light up looking like a firefly. Then it touched Derek behind the ear leaving him to drop to the ground. Derek fell, his body was almost lifeless. 

Minho and Stiles found themselves on the dance floor with a few people. Stiles had found the girl that kissed him on the cheek earlier. He danced with her. His moves were spastic and uncoordinated but they made the girl smile, so he smiled too. Minho had found a pair of girls who dragged him out onto the dance floor. He had tried flirting with them and then that happened. 

"Come on mister you aren't glowing at all '' One of the girls said, grabbing Minho by the hand leading him to the painting station. The painter told him to take off his shirt so he did so getting designs painted on his chest, back and shoulders. One of the girls had wandered off the other looking bored. He was going to go up to them again but they walked away. Minho shrugged it off walking away from them and back into the crowd of people before running into Aiden and Danny. 

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