Chapter Eighteen

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One Year After


"John!" Mrs. Hudson exclaimed joyfully, clapping her hands together.

He only nodded, offering her a small smile.

She continued beaming, "It's wonderful that you have a new girlfriend."


Mrs. Hudson then noticed the look on John's face and her smile subdued. She gave him a concerned look.

"Have a cuppa before you leave dear. I don't see you nearly enough."

John shook his head stiffly. Baker Street for him far too many memories. Memories Sherlock and him hysterically giggling by the stairwell; broken ghost sounds of the never ending cacophony sounding music by his violin.

No, he needed to leave now.

His mind kept drifting to that letter...

He then made a promise to himself, a promise he knew could not keep, that he'll never come back to Baker Street

Before John made it out of the door, he felt Mrs. Hudson's gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Take care John. Call."

John decided to lie again. He agreed to call.

One Year ½ After


"I've finished the business in Siberia. The last link is in London. Sebastian Moran."

Mycroft's calm voice was muffled when he stepped into the other room. "Sherlock, I know you're anxious to return to London," the detective narrowed his eyes at Mycroft. "But it is not safe for you or Doctor Watson yet. My men will take care Sebastian. You must stay in Bangladesh until we have completely dismantled Moriarty's web."

Sherlock sighed, brushing his long curls out of his eyes.

He came back with a cup of coffee. Mycroft sat down behind his mahogany desk again and handed Sherlock the cup. Disconcertingly, Sherlock took the mug without any complaint.

"You miss him don't you?"

The detective stiffened and refused to answer, crossing his arms like a stubborn two year old.

"Sherlock, you know what I think of this. Caring is not an advantage."

He glared at Mycroft and his tone was scathing, "I'm well aware of that."

"However," he continued, ignoring Sherlock. "It appears to be too late to fix that."

Sherlock stayed silent, holding his head up. Traitorously, his eyes brightened at John's name.

"In this case, I suppose there would be no harm done if we delayed your flight back to Bangladesh until later tonight. Since you are in London already, you could go and familiarize yourself again."

Sherlock blinked at his brother.

"John will be at Angelo's at seven. Do with that information as you please, my only condition being that you'll remain a secret to Doctor Watson as well as everyone else. Rumors fly fast. You'll be wearing an earpiece and a camera to ensure your safety."

Sherlock blinked again. Mycroft's tone stayed authoritative and detached, but if you listened had enough there was the slightest lilt of affection.

It's been twenty years since Sherlock did this, but today he smiled at his brother.

He also thanked him.

Mycroft watched his younger brother walk out of the room. He shook his head and sighed. I tried to keep him safe, he thought, I tried to keep him from love.


Sherlock stood from across the street and he observed the couple sitting, laughing together.

John and some beautiful woman sat across from each other at the table John and Sherlock sat at their first day together, when he bumped into John on that fateful day.

The maitre'd came over and collected John's credit card. Several minutes later, they stood up. He put his arm around her waist and together they kissed and walked out of the restaurant.

The detective drew in a breath and felt a strange ache in his chest, something that reached out and touched every nerve in his body. Bewildered by the intensity of, he quickly turned away from the couple.

True, he'd willingly left John behind. He did it all to protect him.

He wrote that letter, partially because he desperately wanted to admit his unrequited feelings. Mostly, it was because of the jealous and dangerously naive part of Sherlock that he'd always tried to tamp down. He thought that perhaps if he admitted his true feelings, it would stop John from pursuing further relationships with women, just for a little while; just until Sherlock got back.

Of course, he was being an idiot.

John didn't love him.

Sherlock walked away and back into his brother's car.

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