Chapter Ten

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John hid by the arch of 221B, wavering by the door. The sun was only a faint glimmer now, a shadow of what it used to be. Fading light barely illuminated Sherlock's profile, who stood by the window and he grasped the violin, the elegantly arched bow hung limply from his fingers.


Two months into his life with Sherlock, he'd messed it up so badly already.


The muscles in John's jaw tensed and he took a hesitant step towards Sherlock.

John's voice came out a tentative whisper, "Sherlock?"

The detective didn't seem the least bit startled or unfazed when he lifted his head and stared straight ahead, blatantly ignoring John.

"I'm sorry, I was angry and I shouldn't have stormed out like that"

Sherlock turned his head and sneered, his features contorting rather viciously. He let out a patronizing snort. "Oh please. Do you think I'm ten?" His voice sharpened and turned mocking. "Did you think I'd be sniffling and crying because you shouted at me"

John inhaled sharply and his shoulders drooped.

"Still, I'm sorry Sherlock."

The detective's cold expression seemed to flicker for a moment before he hardened his features again. "Must I make an arduous apology now as well?" He sniffed, once again turning his head away form John and towards the fading sunlight.

John shrugged sheepishly, "If you'd like. What you said wasn't all that nice either."

Sherlock glowered, "Then you have my sincerest apologies. I'm sorry that you thought I'm some perfect hero who solves horrible crimes for poor widowed mothers and then goes off skipping into the sunset arm in arm with you handing out rainbow cupcakes to everyone." He spat the last word, glaring at John with knives one last time before stomping away into his bedroom with a slam of the door.

John flopped pathetically onto the couch with a resigned sigh. At least I apologized, he thought weakly.


Things went back to normal, well as normal as things could be in Baker Street with eyeballs in the microwave, as Sherlock insisted on ignoring everything that happened on that day, including all further attempts at reconciliation by John; the detective always turned away and changed the topic.

Eventually John stopped trying to apologize and just moved on. Life in Baker Street returned to normal...

Well until one frosty January morning came by when Sherlock and John had to go to Scotland Yard to give their statements about the robbery case they had solved the previous night.

John noticed something was amiss when Sherlock's face of disdain he always had on around the officers of Scotland yard suddenly fell. Instead raw and incomprehensible expressions flashed across Sherlock's face.

John looked around, hoping to spot what had triggered Sherlock's odd behavior.

He turned back around to face Sherlock and was about to ask what was wrong when someone cut in smoothly and beamed at Sherlock.

The man was tall, but not quite as tall as Sherlock and he wore an expensive suit. His hair was slicked back and it gave off an impression of self-importance. He smiled at Sherlock, a toothy grin, but the detective narrowed his eyes and his tone was venomous.

"Sherlock Holmes! Almost didn't recognize you there." He reached in and forcefully hugged Sherlock, ignoring his stiffened stance.

His tone cutting and his lips curled downwards. "Sebastian."

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