Chapter Three

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John was on the lookout now for Sherlock, impatiently waiting for the next meeting. Even though the last time seeing him without his shirt had almost given him an ulcer, for numerous reasons, he was bouncing with excitement. Something was strangely charming and irresistible about that man. There was his blatant attractiveness but Sherlock’s outer appearance was dim compared to his intelligence; John suspected that he only got a small taste of it last week with the Afghanistan deduction. 

The week passed slowly, every second seemed to drag on. All because of bloody Sherlock Holmes and his captivating self. It was bloody ridiculous, he told himself repeatedly. I only met the man twice!

Thursday rolled around and John was irritated and beyond ready to go home. All week he’s been hoping in vain that Sherlock would show up again, though he knew that Mycroft wouldn’t pull the same stunt twice. That didn’t stop him from getting excited heart palpitations whenever a “surprise” patient was sent to him.


John had been less than a block away from his flat when a scream pierced the sludgy and humid air. John instinctively sprinted towards the sound, his hearing was still sharp and he easily picked up the direction it came from. Blood pumped through his veins, feeling more awake then he had all week.

Crime scene. Yellow tape. Scotland Yard.

He stood confused for a moment, why had that woman screamed? Crime scenes in itself don’t usually repulse people to that degree.

He quickly scanned the area, heart still beating fast from the endorphins rush.

John sucked in a quick breath when his eyes fell onto the detective. Standing gracefully with his arms crossed and talking with the same man he had seen accompany Sherlock into the clinic last week.

Was Sherlock dating him? John thought, and then blushed and waved the thought away. None of my business, John firmly thought.

Don’t get distracted. He reminded. Looking for the cause of the scream.

John then noticed a woman that was stumbling back away from Sherlock, her hand covering her mouth. She looked horrified.

That was the cause? Talking to Sherlock?

He quickly caught up to her as she was practically running away from Sherlock.

“Sorry,” John interrupted, smiling in what he hoped was a disarming manner. “I heard you scream from over there. Do you mind if I asked what happened?”

She took a shuddery breath and looked him over. John assumed that he looked harmless enough since she started speaking. “That man,” she pointed over to Sherlock. “I’ve never met him, but he told me my whole life story. Something fishy is going on, he can’t be human. He spoke of my husband as if he were a thing, to be cut open and tossed around.” She sniffled, swallowing. “He’s a demon.” She mumbled before turning around and walked away from me, still covering her mouth with her hand.

Ah. Well.

Not quite pitying her, John was half amused and sympathetic. Sherlock doesn’t seem the most affable person. Though to accuse him of being evil was quite a stretch. John mused on, her husband? Cut open? He must be a victim in a murder .

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