Chapter One

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The gun was still hidden under his pile of clothes. It called out for John. He longed for the thrill again. John itched for the past times when he would need the gun. Since he got shot, he wasn’t deemed fit for combat. John took a deep breath and resisted the urge to break a vase. Glancing at his watch, he decided enough was enough of being stuck in this dull and cramped flat.


“John!” An overtly perky voice yelled over the pub. “Glad you could make it!”

He clenched his jaw and offered Mike a half-hearted smile. “Yes, nice to see you mate.”

“How are uh—“ Mike was clearly drunk, John thought as he watched the man sway slightly in his stance. “Uh- how are things with—“

“Emma?” John offered at last.

“Yes!” Mike shouted, beaming as if he just won the bloody lottery.

“We broke up several days ago.” John wasn’t pissed about that, she hadn’t interested him that much. She had a brilliant smile though.

“Auhhh that sucks man. You just need a drink.”

That was the issue, John growled to himself as he reluctantly ordered a gin and tonic. No one in all of London actually wanted to do anything interesting. He couldn’t even share any of his exhilarating stories from the MI-6 since everything was top-secret and no one even knew he worked there. Everyone thought he’s was a mediocre doctor, just another common, dull person living in this great cesspool of boredom.


John flashed another charming smile at Sarah and he received another lovely blush from her. He hadn’t had as many credentials as the guy that she interviewed earlier, but it helped that she slightly fancied John. Though he couldn’t really be blamed for his lack of credentials, John certainly had more experience than most since his job with the MI-6 demanded much of on the spot expert doctoring, it just wasn’t the official medical training he could really list.

He had seen the slightly dubious look Sarah sent him in the beginning when the only official credential he was able on the resume was trained at Bart’s. All it took really was a few smiles, winks and jokes for her to start laughing and accept him as the new doctor.

John walked out of the surgery clinic in a better mood then all week. At least he would be able to do something to help people again, even if what he truly wanted was unattainable.

He checked his watch, 11:50, and decided he would stop by Chinatown to get some food so he wouldn’t need to cook tonight. John considered calling up the woman he met several days ago to meet up for dinner, but then thought against it when he remembered the mess in his flat.

John had been walking down the street somewhat distractedly when he practically fell into the arms of a stranger wearing a long Belstaff coat.

“Why would they be murdered if they dropped off the package already. Something… Stolen.” John heard this being muttered quietly under someone’s breath right before running into the man. He jumped back, both at the words and his stunning appearance .

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