Chapter Seven

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His heart pounded with each meter closer they got to Lauriston Gardens. John knew, he knew that when he signed that first contract for the money from Mycroft, it would become path of betrayal to Sherlock that John would never be able to back away from.

He clenched his eyes shut and willed it to go away, willed his racing heart to calm down. Breathe. 1. 2. Exhale. 1. 2

"Hey, you okay mate?"

John's eye blinked open and he looked somewhat distraughtly at the cabbie.


The cabbie didn't reply, but John knew he must have looked a mess. He looked out the window and saw the numbers race by.

Closer and closer.


"We're here."

"Yes," John stammered, reaching for his wallet. "Thank you."

He threw the cash at the cabbie, not bothering and far too concerned to count it. From the smirk of the man as he drove away, John assumed it was way too much. He felt a sheen of sweat build up and dread coiling deep in his stomach. He won't have to worry about money anymore. He'll live a fulfilling life with Sherlock at Baker street and not worry about money. All for what? Betraying the first real friend he'll have? Betraying the man who was so cold to everyone else, but who trusted John?

John stepped out onto the concrete and felt slightly shaky. He swiped his hand through his short hair. He was ten minutes early.

Not really paying attention, he made his way over to bench and sat down.

It was rather beautiful, actually. Lauriston Gardens was just far away enough from the frantic chaos of London to be peaceful. John studied a bird who had been pecking at the cement. John felt the ghost of a smile flit onto his face. He tried to remember what type of a bird this was, his father had been interested for several years in bird watching and had brought John along on some trips.

The name Eurasian Jay, occurred to John. Ah, that's what the bird was. He watched the innocent bird hop around cheerily, pecking at absolutely nothing, but still trying nonetheless.


John didn't bother looking up. He felt a wave of inexplicable jealousy for this stupid, naïve bird.

"What, are we on a first name basis now?" He muttered, sighing.

Mycroft ignored him and handed him a sleek, beige folder.

"Sign this. I've put x's where you need to sign or put your initials," Mycroft instructed smoothly.

John's hand reached out and took the file slowly. He opened it. John stared at the cold print. Panic rushed out to greet him, harshly slamming him back into a memory he's tried so hard to erase.



"Harry was the one who got arrested! I shouldn't have to pay for her stupid mistake. "

John's mother sent him a wary look, then she looked resigned and something subtle seemed to change in her tired face.

"John. She needs you to be there for her. You know you have to the right thing."

He looked infuriated and slammed his fist down onto their old kitchen table.

Strange Coincidences: Johnlock AUWhere stories live. Discover now