Chapter Five

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After seeing the black car, John slumped pathetically in his seat, a cloud of gloom over his head.


Eventually John resigned and picked up his phone, dialing Mycroft's number, which unfortunately had became a part of his speed dial.

"Mr. Watson?" The voice sounded surprised, something that made John more than slightly bemused. Mycroft was never surprised, that man could watch Buckingham Palace fall down and not blink and eye.

"Yes. I'm calling to tell you the third meeting went exceptionally well. Sherlock and I are looking at the flat together tomorrow." The initial excitement fizzled out, leaving only a dark shadow in its wake. John instead felt dread creeping in.

"That's strange." A pause. "I arranged the third meeting to be on Tuesday."

John made a slight noise. So it was mere coincidence that Sherlock and him met today? John mused, his eyebrows furrowing. The meeting was quite spontaneous, though all the other previous ones had been as well.

"However I offer you my congratulations." Mycroft's voice smoothed out again, retreating to it's normal, authoritative and clipped tone. "When will you two be visiting 221B Baker Street?"

"Noon," replied John.

"Tomorrow at four pm, find me at 3 Lauriston Gardens."

"Why aren't you sending a car?"

"When one is avoiding the attention of Sherlock Holmes, one learns to be discreet, hence this entire agenda. Don't you think he would be suspicious if he saw a sleek black car parked outside his new flat?"

"Yes I suppose so."

"Excellent, you agree then. See you at then, John Watson."


John shifted on his foot nervously. He glanced for the hundredth time at the dark wooden door. A lavish engraved golden knocked rested high on the door. An engraved plaque. 221B.

He checked his phone again. 12:07. John wasn't an impatient man, but it was really cold, windy and it was sleeting today. He wrapped himself tighter around his jacket.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. John grabbed it.



Apologies. Will be delayed. Traffic. -SH


John sighed but then saved the number under a new contact. Sherlock. Then he paused, a thought occurring to him. How did he get my number?

Another text message.


Don't be alarmed. Looked you up on the net after last night. You shouldn't post your phone number on dating websites, unsafe. Thank me later. I'll help improve your profile later. It's appalling. -SH

He wasn't sure whether to laugh or to slap the git silly later. He did bring up a good point though, and John made a mental note to delete his number on there.

The door opened and a friendly woman in a flowery dress stepped out.

"Sherlock? I heard noises outside."

Then her eyes seemed to land on John and she smiled brightly. "Ah you must be the young man Sherlock was bringing to see the flat. You should've knocked, Sherlock's always late." She laughed and John could see the fondness laid out on her face. "Come in."

Strange Coincidences: Johnlock AUWhere stories live. Discover now