Chapter Two

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The next day Mycroft sent another car to pick him up and send him to another remote location where they discussed the details.

"There will be arrangements made to get you and my brother to meet. He will not be aware of such arrangements. You have five meetings to get him interested in you. If you get him to agree to be flat mates, ten thousand pounds are your first payment. For every month you spend with him, an additional five thousand. We'll discuss the details if the unlikely circumstances are that you'll stay with him longer than an year. I'll make the call as soon as you sign this contract to ensure your discreetness." Mycroft said and took another file out of his brief case to hand it to John.

John found himself signing the file quickly despite his worries.

"Any questions about the contract?" Mycroft asked.

John shook his head and screwed his mouth shut as he handed the file back over; he only bothered to skim over the logistics.

He saw no reason at all to tell Mycroft Holmes of his previous encounter with Sherlock earlier that day. This man doesn't need to know every little thing.

"I trust you'll go over the file about Sherlock that I gave you yesterday in great detail. The five meetings will be spread out within five weeks. You will not know when you'll see him. I know where you live and work and where you eat. I will take care of the accidental meetings, and you must intrigue him, not an easy feat."


John picked up the file about Sherlock and settled comfortably into the couch.

Consulting Detective:

-Works with Scotland Yard.

-Often takes up dangerous cases.

John made a pleased noise. Sherlock does have an interesting life, one that he wouldn't mind living. It is certainly better than his job at the surgery.


-Petulant behavior. Patience required.

-Smoke/nicotine patches.

-Past substance abuse. He must be constantly stimulated or else he will rely on cocaine. Danger nights, call Mycroft Holmes.

He flinched at the last one. A close relationship with his alcoholic sister has shown him how difficult it can be to live with someone with an addiction.

Sherlock wouldn't be easy man to live with. He was greatly tempted by illegal substances. He had spontaneous tantrums. He led a perilous lifestyle.

Somehow, somehow in his demented mind, that thought alone sent a rush of endorphins through him.


A gentle knock at his door.

John groaned internally and rubbed his eyes. Not enough sleep.

Sarah opened the door slightly, adjusting her skirt as she walked in. John greeted back half-heartedly, noting with some interest that the length of her skirts seemed to have shortened considerably since the first day he started working here on Monday.

It was Friday, he remembered with relief. He was so sick of this job already.

"Sorry John, we have another patient." She smiled sympathetically. "Dr. Hennessey will take care of your four o clock patient. We had something come up and the appointment required you."

John repressed a sigh and nodded at Sarah, offering her a nod before she walked out.

"Stop being an insufferable prat! You need to get that arm stitched before you lose any more blood." A tired male voice carried over the door where John was sitting. He sighed, this was just the cherry on top of a wonderful day. Another uncooperative patient is just what he wanted.

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