Chapter Nine

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"And you were the only one who'd ever stayed this long." The detective's forlorn murmur fell upon deaf ears, as John already closed the door.

Sherlock continued typing, trying to get past the elephant in the room. Failed minutes later of nothing of substance showing up on the email he was composing, he shut the computer down with a sigh.

The detective jumped up and went over under the fireplace, lifting up a board and taking out the emergency cigarettes.  

He took the entire pack, already knowing he'd need it.


Technically there wasn't a rooftop as much as a slope of crackling bricks on the top of Baker Street. Sherlock carefully maneuvered around the rubble on the roof and perched on his normal seat, where he could easily watch the sky turn into a kaleidoscope of colors at sunset.

Sherlock lit a cigarette, inhaling and feeling the familiar rumble of smoke gather, as he held the smoke in, there was a short moment of fiery determination lasting in his lungs before he exhaled.

He watched the ash fall like snowflakes from the crumbling red tip of the cigarette.



"My name is Victor," the boy's eyes flashed with something Sherlock would've called friendliness.

He replied with something of fascination as he looked at the blonde who actually seemed interested in him "Sherlock Holmes."

They walked home together that day, and the day after, and the day after, and....


"Come on Sherlock!" Victor gleefully yelled, smiling brightly at the reluctant brunette.


"I should study for the bio test tomorrow," Sherlock said slowly, wavering as he saw the glint in Victor's eyes.


"That's boring. This is going to be a cool party!" He urged, tugging rather forcefully on Sherlock's arm. 


The younger boy bit down on his lip, looking at the time. He was only seventeen and he knew there was going to be plenty of alcohol and likely also drugs at the party. Still, against his better judgment he looked at Victor's face and relented.


Once they got to the party, disco music was booming in Sherlock's ears as he looked onto the miles and miles of people grinding and sweating against each other. Instantly Sherlock shrunk back and felt the desire to leave stronger than ever. Instead of addressing his obvious discomfort, Victor dragged a somewhat unwilling Sherlock onto the busy dance floor.


Sherlock stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do with his only friend who was throwing his arms around Sherlock and attempting to dance. At first, Sherlock chuckled at Victor's attempts of getting Sherlock to move with him, but as Victor's fingers grew more forceful and bruising around his waist, Sherlock's smile grew tenser.


Eventually, Victor grew more frustrated and shoved at Sherlock, throwing himself against the bewildered boy's slightly parted lips. At first, he let himself be kissed. Then Victor started moving his hips and Sherlock stilled completely, going completely stiff and cold. Victor bit down harshly onto his lip, trying to get an reaction, but instead getting a flinch from Sherlock.


"Goddamn it," he hissed against Sherlock's frozen lips, "why don't you do something useful with that stupid mouth? I know that yo—" Victor's voice was cold and slightly dangerous, it took on a tone that Sherlock never could've imagined coming from his friend.


Sherlock dug his nails, hard, into Victor's arm, and as he released his grip, Sherlock ran off the dance floor.




As Sherlock finished the last of his pack, he began to berate himself for everything he had done with John. He cursed himself for every time he smiled softly at him, or let himself stare a little too long into John's bluer-than blue eyes. Between Victor and Sebastian, Sherlock thought to himself, he should've learned his lesson.




His voice was mocking, but he almost seemed to care about Sherlock's deductions so Sherlock let himself be pulled in again.


"So, show me how you do your little tricks," Sebastian smirked, leaning back onto his chair as he watched Sherlock talk with something flashing in his eyes. However Sherlock chose to ignore the alarm going off anyway, going on animatedly about his deductions.


Sherlock was more cautious after the incident four years ago, but he smiled at Sebastian anyways and agreed to go to his graduation party.


Sebastian offered to drive the two of them, and Sherlock accepted without a second thought, once again ignoring the bells going off in his mind.


Once in the car and underneath the cover of the night, Sebastian drove to an abandoned road and pulled over. Before Sherlock could react, he leaned over and pushed a wide-eyed Sherlock onto the seat. He invaded Sherlock's mouth and before he could get too carried away, Sherlock worked his arms free and managed to do a swift right-hook on the side of Sebastian's face.


As Sebastian laid unconscious next to him and Sherlock was driving alone underneath the stars, Sherlock decided it was a fool's game to have sentiment, as all that ever comes from it is disappointment. 




He flung the cigarette stub off the top of the roof, watching it fly pointlessly through the wind. Sherlock shook his head in disgust at himself for letting himself break his own promise.

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