Chapter Six

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They stepped into the hotel room, and John’s eyes were immediately attacked by the revolting sight that was the dead body a formally pretty, young woman. She resembled his sister. John wasn’t squeamish about this,  he’s seen plenty corpses, but the resemblance was uncanny. From the cropped strawberry hair with brown highlights to even the facial structure. This dead woman could’ve been Harry’s twin.


John turned his head and observed Sherlock scanning the room like a hound. Sherlock narrowed his eyes and went to the glass door, he stepped outside and carefully took out his magnifying glass. After a moment, John noticed Sherlock seemed to smirk slightly.

Sherlock then straightened and went back into the room. He took three elegant strides to the bed, where the corpse was lying. He beckoned to John over with a mysterious smile on his face, the doctor shrugged and walked over.

“What did you find?” John asked curiously.

“Mm,” was Sherlock’s quiet mumble.

The detective was too busy examining the bullet wound in the head, which made some gory descriptions that John tried not to pay too much attention to. The corpse looked far too much like his sister.

“So,” Sherlock exclaimed with a flourish of his hand as he jumped up onto his feet. This caught the attention of every Scotland Yarder in the room, including Lestrade who was watching with wariness.

“John, you have medical training.”


“Then please tell us everything relevant to this bullet wound.”

John stooped down and took another look at the position of where the bullet entered.

“There’s nothing I can tell you in particular unless we have a ballistics report or autopsy,” John admitted.

“But can you confirm that an individual can be shot in the head without necessarily dying straightaway?”

John replied immediately, “Yes, though the survival chances are diminished greatly. It only takes about an aver—“

Sherlock cut him off, “Stop, thank you John.”

The doctor got slightly irritated but held his tongue, waiting for Sherlock to unravel the mystery. John looked around the mystified audience that was watching Sherlock. Some looked properly fascinated and absorbed in the detective, though John also made a side note that they were all women and they seemed more interested in Sherlock’s body than his deductions, others looked slightly repulsed but reluctantly interested. John assumed that Sherlock had offended them with his sharp and sometimes ignorant mouth.

“Of course we cannot be absolutely certain until the autopsy and ballistics report comes in,” Sherlock said, “However based on the area that the bullet hit, and that there is not an exit wound, the bullet hit an area of brain that does not kill instantly. The woman is clearly dead,” he gestured to the bed and the pool of blood that surrounded the corpse,” but she did not die from brain damage, but blood loss.”

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