Chapter 1 My story

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Hey I'm Y/N and here is the story of my life it all starts when I was first born my mom gave birth to me but died of giving birth in her will she wrote.

If I were to die I would want my daughter to live with her father Tony Stark and all my belongs to my daughter.

The rest was just she would want the house to be put up for sale and stuff anyways from what I'm told pepper and my dad came to the hospital did some dna blood tests to prove I was in fact his daughter he took me in but from what I mostly kinda remember I was mostly with pepper while my dad would go to parties and stuff a couple years later on my dad finally decided he would step up and start taking care of me and quit partying somewhat quit drinking .

I was homeschooled my whole life due to my safety and all the people who knew about me where mostly people my dad trusted when he first because iron man and all that stuff I was left at a safe house being taking care of by my nanny pepper would come visit when she had time and my uncle happy I stayed in that safe house for awhile I would ask pepper when I could go home she would tell me when this whole thing blows over I stayed in that safe house for a year

After all of those events blew over and my dad revealed he was iron and all that him and pepper build Stark Tower where I lived after those events then that's when the avengers were formed when Loki attacked New York my dad had me fly out to other safe house in Washington with happy.

After that event my dad trusted the avengers knowing about me that's when I met my aunt and uncles when they came along I took self defense training with my aunt Nat and Uncle Steve and Clint they would be in and out of Stark Tower well the Avengers Tower now that Loki ruined it anyways today is the day I'm gonna convince my dad to let me go to regular school let's just hope he will actually say yes.

Oh yeah I also have power like my sorta big sister Wanda how could I forget to mention that anyways I have powers sorta like hers but mine were blue weird huh ? I haven't really used them up until a couple years ago when Wanda was teaching me how to properly use them not even my dad knew about my powers until one day he made me mad by stealing my bear when I was 9 and I blasted him with a blue ball he was so confused about it from that day my dad tried to figure out why I had powers but we never knew so he tried his best not to make me mad.

My dad and pepper started dating when I was around 8 i remember the first time I called pepper my mom I was crying when I was 11 I was crying cause I literally couldn't paint my nails I know stupid to cry over but anyways pepper came in and helped me paint them After words I told her thanks mom and she started to cry I cried to she was so happy that I called her mom My dad ended up marrying pepper 2 years ago a summer wedding while they went on there honeymoon they got real busy and pepper was pregnant with my baby sister Morgan she's only 2 right now and I love her to death.

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